Chapter 47

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I just wanna quickly sorta apologize for the hiatus but I'm just really struggling to get my take on the Hidden World right. It's slowly becoming comprehensible, but it will take some extra time as I work out the kinks and whatnot. Anyway, new chapters will come slowly but surely, but again, just taking extra time to write!


Just as Blueheart expected, Zyrah was up with the sun, and the other riders quickly followed suit, as they wanted to get a head start on planning for counter-attacks should Grimmel surprise them. As the gang was prepping for the day, Elin made her appearance, surprising everyone, especially Hiccup and Toothless.

Toothless understandably questioned his mate as to what she was up to, and Blueheart explained that she and Elin might have a plan for not just Berk's flock, but for the Night Fury colony, a plan to protect everyone.

I don't know Myrai... I don't want to take risks that we can't guarantee will work.

Ryvir, we might not have any other option. Grimmel is a determined one, you heard what Eret said, he lives for the hunt. And if he can't find us, we'll be safer. And before you interrupt me, no, I don't want to be away from Zyrah either. We've all been through so much, and I hate to leave her side. But I know her, and even if it takes the greatest sacrifice, she will do what is right.

Blueheart was right. Zyrah had taken risks; killing her father to protect the last Night Furies... a decision that still left her scarred emotionally.

Neither of us knows how this war will end, but we have to do whatever it takes to protect all of us.

Blueheart ended the discussion there, and encouraged Elin to approach the riders, but did not force her, but Elin kept a respectable distance away.

The presence of the Light Fury sparked a heavy discussion with the riders, and once more, Zyrah remained silent as she listened to what the others were saying. Most of it was discussing on what the Light Fury could provide the Berkians with. Extra protection from Grimmel and whoever his allies might be? It could work, however, Hiccup strived to avoid taking unnecessary risks with a wild dragon, and he didn't want to put her in further danger either.

"Have any of you considered she might be from the Hidden World?" Zyrah finally interrupted. She had been observing the Light Fury's features closely, taking note of the difference between the white dragon and Blueheart. She was more streamlined, and smoother, and her wings and tail fins were rounded; details that which Zyrah had observed in Tidal Class dragons multiple times.

She echoed these thoughts to the gang, and she was surprised to see Hiccup's reaction. He bore the look of someone who had just experienced a breakthrough.

"Zyrah... I think you're right." Fishlegs said.

"So what? What does that mean for us?" Snotlout asked, crossing his arms.

"I know this might sound crazy... but if the Hidden World is in the ocean like Chief Stoick's stories... then what if... that's where the Light Fury came from? It's a crazy theory, but to me, it makes sense. Right?"

Elin glanced over at Blueheart in surprise.

Your human is much smarter than I expected.

She has her moments. Replied Blueheart in a teasing tone.

The gang had their eyes on Zyrah now, who had the gears turning in her head, and her own plan soon came to fruition. She began pacing around the meeting area, the light of the firepit casting a warm glow in the room.

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