Chapter 29

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Just when the riders were beginning to have their doubts about the looming threat of former dragon hunters showing up, a ship appeared over the horizon.

The twins were the first to spot it, sparking a small explosion to get the attention of the others, which had been the agreed-upon signal to get the riders together. And as soon as Zyrah saw it, her heart dropped.

"Shit." She let Blueheart and Toothless get to work and help the elderly, and hatchlings get into the caves, hiding in the extensive tunnel system that ran through the small mountains. Meanwhile, Blueheart had instructed her parents and siblings to wait, hiding in the treeline until she gave the word.

Toothless, on the other hand, expressed concern for his mother and sisters.

I can fight! Vekyss insisted with a stomp of her paw.

I'm certain you can, but I can't let you fight if this goes south... not yet anyway. We've already lost one sister to hunters, and I don't want to lose either of you.

It's alright, son, do what you need to do to protect our kin. Ayry assured, giving her son a loving nudge on the head.

Meanwhile, Hiccup was prepping himself, making sure he had enough Monstrous Nightmare gel and his Zippleback gas containers just in case.

"Alright, gang, remember what we discussed?"


"Oh, we're ready!" Ruff assured with a devious grin.

"Zyrah, are you prepared?" Hiccup questioned in a concerned manner, placing his hand on her shoulder. She side glanced at him, almost as if she was doubting herself, but she shook it off, slowly nodding her head.

"I'm ready to do what I need to." She confirmed with a determined nod.

The ship made its way to shore, and the riders could fully observe the damage Blueheart had caused. A massive gaping hole was in the center of the deck, exposing the hull. The rails and mast also suffered damage, which explained why it took them as long as they did to show up. But on top of the mess, everyone could sense the fury of its sailors.

Einar didn't even wait for the ship to dock fully. He was watching the riders like a hawk from starboard, leaping off the side, landing in the freezing water, and trudging his way onto shore with all the rage of the gods in his eyes, and he carried that box with him in his arm.

Zyrah was terrified but stood her ground, holding her sword out in front for defense, each leg sturdily planted into the sand. She had to face him.

"DO NOT TOUCH HER!" Came Ragnhild's screeching cry from the ship, very nearly tumbling off the rail.

"Why shouldn't I?" Einar snarled.

"You'll have to go through the rest of us if you dare harm her," Konall announced, coming to Zyrah's side. Both Blueheart and Lightbolt stood by their riders, ready to fire on their own incentive.

"I don't care what I have to do," Einar replied, glaring at the teenager.

"I know you don't care," Zyrah hissed, "you never cared about me. All you care about is getting what you want. Frankly, I don't even think you care about Ragnhild, either." Ragnhild scrambled to join Einar's side, receiving no acknowledgment from him.

"Buh- nonsense! Of course, he does!" She defended.

"No, he doesn't. I may not have really gotten to know either of you that well, but I know for a fact that there is no love between you guys."

"I have my own way of showing affection," Einar groaned.


"No. That's not love." Zyrah affirmed, shaking her head. She didn't know whether or not to feel sympathy for her.

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