Chapter 3

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Third Person Pov

April and the boys were about to head out to meet Y/n, Leo and Mikey were the most excited. "Soo April is she cute~ does she like skateboarding or maybe video games" Leo was beaming with excitement and the happiness almost radiated off of him and he literally had sparkles in his eyes.

before April could say anything Mikey also asked her something "Does she cook, please tell me she cooks. What's her favorite movie OOH what's her favorite show Omigosh I have so many questions"

April just stared at them both to make sure they were done talking "Ok first off to answer Leo's questions, I guess she's cute but she's also intimidating she skateboards every once in a while. Only because I ask her to though and she loves video games Second, she says she likes to cook but cant often and that she isn't good at it but I think she is. Her favorite movie is Nightmare Before Christmas, which is what she mostly watches but aside from that she also only really watches Disney movies"

Both Leo and Mikey listened carefully while April spoke. They were both mentally noting down what she was saying. "she sounds wonderful April tell us more pleeassee."

Mikey begged her "I bet April can tell us more about her while we're on our way to see her right April." Raph looked at her as she nodded.

after a little while they all got to the surface, and April finally started to tell them more about her. "well Y/n isn't a people person, to be honest when I first met her she was very closed off. But then I showed her she could trust, me and now she is like family. She is really loyal and sweet and VERY overprotective she also likes swimming and listening to music..."

April paused on that Y/n did love listening to music but she always listened to it not because she loved it so much. But because it helped her block out those horrible voices in her head. "uh April you were saying?"

Mikey looked at her confused because her expression had changed from very happy to very sad instantly "oh r-right she also LOVES dancing"

Donnie's head turned to April "oo now I'm actually intrigued she likes dancing you say ?" April nodded

"specifically she likes ballet, it's her favorite but just dancing, in general, is something she loves" Donnie didn't say anything, after that he just looked away and started humming thinking maybe she isn't so bad after all."Soo, since we're going to tell her, were mutants soon anyways should we give her are real names and not our fake human ones?" Leo asked, they all just looked at each other and nodded.

Then they all arrived outside the pizza place and saw Y/n through the glass windows she looked bored and also sad lost in her thoughts.

Y/n's Pov

I was waiting for April to get to the pizza place and was curious about how April said that she had some friends who were dying to meet me. I knew if they were April's friends they could either be the sweetest and most awesome people ever. or they could just be a lot of trouble that would end up in me having to get April out of. I leaned on the wall bored out of my mind because there were only 5 customers today, and since it was silent most of the time. The voices in my head wouldn't stop screaming at me. "you will fail April. It's your fault your parents are dead. You're a mistake. You're insane." most of the time it was easy to just ignore it but the voices were going on for so long. That I gave in and grabbed my phone put one of the headphones in, left the other out and looked for a song to play. I picked sally's song from my favorite movie The Nightmare Before Christmas of course, that song always made me happy. it was like heaven I then put my phone in my pocket and as soon as the music started playing I started to sing and dance. Little did I know there was an audience watching me and it was none other than April and the 4 friends she was going to introduce me to.

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