Chapter 4

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Leo's Pov

I held Y/n in my arms. She looked so peaceful and... really cute, April sounded pretty angry on the phone. I guess she had a right to be. I did kinda just take Y/n without telling anyone but it was so worth it to see that look on her face. How she was in awe at how beautiful the city was and how flustered she got when I said how it reminded me of her.

Most people find my flirting and cheesy jokes pretty annoying and stupid... but it was nice when she laughed at that pizza place. "I can't help it, you're like candy I can't stop drooling all over you" her face lit up a bit as she started giggling, it made me happy she enjoyed it. She didn't think it was stupid at least I don't think she did.

We finally got to my brothers and April, so sadly I had to put her down,even though I loved being able to hold her in my arms. I noticed her eyes were still closed and her face was still slightly rosy. I laughed a little, leaned in close to her ear, and whispered. "You can open your eyes now, cupcake." She didn't seem startled when I spoke. She almost seemed relaxed, and slowly opened her eyes. By then April had run over to hug her.

"Y/N!! Did that dingus annoy you too much? Are you ok? what. did. he. do." She just stood there in silence for a moment but then returned from her daydream and looked at April in the eyes, with an almost worried look. "He didn't annoy me April, don't worry but I... do need... y'know to..." "oh of course girl I totally understand" April put her arm over your shoulder holding you tight while looking at me and my brothers. "Ok boys I'm going to take Y/n back to my place since she doesn't have a place to stay and then I'll come back to talk with you guys for a bit mk?" she didn't wait for us to reply, she just started to walk off with her and soon both of them were out of sight.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you it's rude to stare cupcake?" Donnie mocked my comment from earlier trying to do an "Impression" of me. "Ha ha ha Donnie, very funny but hm I don't see you making a great impression on her when you pried personal information from her past out of her." Donnie rolled his eyes dramatically "Scoff. I was doing it for April's protection, Nardo." I put my hands behind my head and leaned back on the nearest wall "whateverrr you say, bro." Donnie was about to say something but Raph spoke first "Alright everyone let's get back to the lair and wait for April." As we were walking back home all I could think about was her and her smile, her laugh, her cute little face. What the hell, why can't I stop thinking about her... y'know what it's actually not that bad.

Y/n's Pov

April had walked me to her place and told me to lay on her bed. I wasn't feeling the greatest, I knew I Just needed to listen to music, wrap myself up in a blanket, hug a pillow and relax otherwise I wouldn't be in a good state. April Immediately knew what I was talking about earlier when we were with the guys. She gave me about 20 minutes and then knocked on the door asking if I was ready to talk about it.

"I mean... sure I guess so..." I looked down at my hands fiddling with them trying to release some of my tension. "Ok well, you said your aunt kicked you out a year ago, so you have been out on your own for that long then?" I stopped moving my hands and sighed. "Yeah I have been, it's been a bit of a bumpy ride but I've been able to manage and you made it a lot easier April so I thank you for that."

April just sat there looking straight at me. She looked like she was thinking long and hard trying to figure something out. Then her face lit up like an idea just popped into her head and it did. "Alright I know what we can do, I know you can't live here with me because well my mother would probably just. send you back to your aunt or you would end up being in foster care. Which I don't think is something you want" I nodded at her "Ok so that leaves another option since I am not letting you live like this any longer. You could, and hear me out live with the boys."

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