Chapter 7

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Donnie just stared at me as I walked in. He opened his mouth to speak but Raph cut him off. "Hey, Leo, what is this place? I thought you said we were getting pizza."

We were in a giant... no enormous cave like place with a giant pizza maze in the middle of it.

Donnie was still looking at me after Raph spoke..... Almost like he was scanning me.

AND HE WAS. with his goggles he was scanning me... maybe he thought since I threatened Hueso I could be some kind of mutant?

"What the hell are you doing Don?" I whispered while I stepped closer to him. "You tell me what the hell were you doing with that skeleton back there... were you... were you trying to protect us?"

His face went from frustrated to confused to soft... like he was almost happy that I was trying to but also worried on why. I went to speak but this time I was cut off by Leo.

"It's nothing, we've just got to solve an easy, straightforward maze first." his last word echoed. "Wait, what? I didn't sign up pre-meal maze" Raph sounded irritated 

"Yeah, this looks really hard. My tumbus wants easy food." Mikey rubbed his stomach in a circle like motion. I knew he must have been starving even if they ate before going on that mission before patrol. That must have taken a lot out of him.

"Don't worry, just follow me. Onward boys." Leo started matching down the stairs and all of their faces turned to annoyed. I started walking but Donnie grabbed my wrist, carefully of course.

"Wait for them to get a little ahead of us. I wanna talk about what just happened." shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit. "Uhm... o-ok." is all I managed to get out. As soon as the other three were slightly ahead we started walking together.

For some reason Donnie didn't let go of my wrist didn't April say he hated fiscal contact? She warned me about it just a little bit ago so I didn't make him uncomfortable in any way.

"So, why were you threatening..." he paused for a moment not knowing the skeletons name "Hueso" I said "Thank you, why were you threatening Hueso... and... and why was it to protect us... and how the hell do you know his name, I mean I know you have been here before but you know his name ? Do you come here often? is he a friend-"

"Donnie." I looked him straight in the eyes. "R-right you answer." Jeez, why was he stammering? This didn't seem like the Donnie April told me about. I went to speak but was again interrupted by Leo. "left here, just follow my lead."

We all took the left and continued walking. Finally I was able to speak. "Listen Don I know you're confused. On what just happened, and you want answers as to why it happened. But can you please just trust me or at least wait until we get back to the lair?"

He sighed, still holding on to my wrist. "Fine but I want at least one answer." I thought about it so he wanted an answer to one of his questions.... I thought more, I mean Hueso was actually a friend. I liked him more than any of the others since he never tried to hurt April.

I would just talk to him mostly to find out what some of the mutants were doing. He was like my inside man... "well... Heuso is a friend... so there, one answer." I looked back at Donnie and he sighed again. "Alright I guess that will have to do."

"Left again." Leo started matching again with confidence

"No." Raph shouted "yes!" Leo said. "No, we're lost."Raph snapped back at Leo. Mikey looked like he was going to die of starvation. Again we started walking even further for a long time. "Guys, trust me, it's this way." at this point Donnie was holding one if his hands on his staff and the other, yeah still on my wrist he looked pretty tired.

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