Chapter 18

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"RAPH LOOK OUT!" Mikey shouted but Raph was already being punched to the ground."GET. ngH. OFF!" Raph shouted, throwing the enemy to the ground.

Meanwhile Donnie was being thrown around like a rag doll. "CoUUld. HmpH. UsE SoME. HeLP Over NnGh HeRE." Donnie said while being punched. "I gotcha!" Leo said, running over to Donnie and kicking the mutant away.

The boys were fighting agents that worked for Big Mama and apparently they were recruiting people for the battle nexus... By beating the shit out of them.

Luckily the boys had stopped that from happening but for the price of getting their own asses kicked.

Meanwhile Y/n was arguing with splinter. "With all due respect Splinter I refuse to let anything happen to them, especially April I'm helping." The girl said in a respectful but angry tone.

"You are in no condition to fight child. I can handle it not to fear." Splinter replied

"No I can Hel-" But Splinter was already on his way out of the lair. Leaving the girl in anger and worry.

"Could people stop doing THAT!" she shouted annoyed with the fact that everyone kept saying she was in no condition to fight. She's been through worse. She isn't weak, she could help!

Voices echoed through her head once again. "Ugh Fuck now is not the time." She looked at the tech she picked up from Donnie's lab. That she was going to use when in battle... if she could figure out how to use it. But now since Splinter had left and she didn't want to go against his words she stayed put.

Eventually she decided to put Donnie's tech back in the lab. She slowly picked everything up and walked towards the lab.

When she arrived once again she was mesmerized. "God, this place will never get old." To most people Donnie's lab would be boring and confusing. Of course it was confusing to her but it was also beautiful she didn't know much about science but it did intrigue her and thats exactly why Donnie intrigued her.

She placed all of his tech back in the spots she found them for the most part. She was about to leave but. "What's the harm in staying?" she turned around and sat on the chair that was in Donnie's lab just admiring everything.

There were coffee mugs on the counter precisely there were about four.... Huh he actually tried to listen to me when I said only drink three. I sighed in happiness at that.

I started thinking about... Them. ugh why why why was I so attached to them all of a sudden? Why do I feel like I'm really falling for them... Now that I was thinking about it more I realized more and more how much I cared.

Its been what 4 days? What the hell is wrong with me? I guess love at first sight really is true.

I sighed, placing a hand on my cheek. "I'm in deep shit."

I stayed in Donnie's lab just admiring the tech for who knows how long the entire time I was worried about them though. What if Splinter can't save them? What if they don't make it back?

"Uuuugghhh I hate thisss." I groaned spinning in the swivel chair. When something caught my attention in the corner of the room. It looked like it was covering something.

"Huh.." That was weird, nothing else in the lab was covered up or hidden like that. I stood up walking towards it.

Wouldn't hurt if I just took a peek... Riigghhtt? I reached out my hand to lift up the tarp. I grabbed it and started pulling when I heard someone whisper into my ear. "Didn't know you were so nosey."

I was so shocked that I immediately turned to the voice

And oh dear god I wish I hadn't

(i'm so sorry I'm leaving it on another cliffhanger but I gotta keep y'all on your toes)

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