Chapter 19

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Hey it's y/n, yeah it's me. Breaking the fourth wall a bit aren't I? Anyways just a reminder, remember before when I turned around? Yeah well I was expecting to turn around to Leo and Donnie doing their usual flirty routine. To be honest I would have preferred that to what actually happened.

Because as soon as I turned around my lips smashed into Donnie's. For the kiss only lasting a few moments it felt like it lasted for an eternity.

I pull away immediately once I realize what was happening. Me and Donnie just stare at each other wide eyed. As I start to blink rapidly.

"Uhhmm I- uuh." I start to stutter but after what just happened could you blame me? Looking away from Donnie I see the tarp that was now on the floor and what was hidden under it.

"Is ThaT mY mOTorcycle?!" My voice was a combination of confused, shocked, and flustered as I turned to Donnie. Who was blushing slightly he looked like he was in a trance but he snapped out of it.

"I- maybe- wait no- don't you dare change the subject!" He pointed a finger at me. "W-what subject?" Playing dumb seriously?

Donnie's face lightly scrunched up. "You know what just happened w-with Th-the kissing!" He flailed his arms up in the air but slightly groaned in pain and that's when I realized he looked completely beat up.

Light cuts were scattered across his face along with bruises all over him. He had bandages wrapped around both his arms.

"Jesus Christ what happened hun?" He stared at me again with a really confused and flustered face. Then I realized what I said.

Oh fuck me seriously? Did I seriously just say hun?! At a time like this??!!! "I'm an idiot." I muttered to myself smacking my head lightly.

"Wish you were my idiot." Donnie muttered but I heard it.



We both stared at each other for a few more moments. "What did you just say?" I ask "uhm I..." he looked at the ground fiddling with his fingers. That was adorab- NO do not say it NO.

He looked back up at me then the motorcycle.

"Sssoo about the motorcycle."

Is this bish for real? "Oh look who's changing the subject now!" I say in a sassy tone.

Donnie stares at me for a moment, crosses his arms and smirks. "Fine then how was it?"

"What?" I raise a brow

"The kiss, how was it?" Donnie still had that smirk on his face.

I immediately blushed, shit. You just had to open your big fat mouth huh y/n!? Donnie was examining my face and body movements which made this even worse.

That was my first kiss... I mean come on I've been on the streets for a year, and before that. My parents always said no boys and I had crushes on some guys, sure.

But I wanted my first kiss to be with someone I really cared about. It didn't have to be the guy I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. But I wanted it to be with someone who meant something to me. Not just some crush.

And I mean was Donnie just some crush? No no no he.... He was.... I don't even know anymore. That kiss... it was pretty damn amazing.

"Wow if I'm a bad kisser you can just say so." He was staring at me no... it's like he was staring at my soul and that look gave me a shiver that went down my spine.

"I never said that!" My voice raised just a little. "Oh? So it was good?" He said taking a step toward.

I gave him a "don't you dare" kind of look and he stepped back. "It was better than good..." I looked down

Oh my god just say it you idiot!

"It was pretty ama-"

I didn't get to finish my sentence  because I saw Leo standing in the doorway. He looked pretty beat up, not as bad as Donnie though.

"Heya cupcake." He walked into the room towards me and Donnie as he glared at his brother.



At this point it was a staring competition between the two. I thought for a moment, I'm probably going to regret this but.

"Uuuhh guys you ok?" They both snapped out of their trance and looked towards me.

"Right, sorry about that cupcake... anyways remember before when me and Donnie wanted to have a little chat with you?"he spoke with confidence with his sword over his shoulders now. Making Donnie have to duck at his sudden movement which led to Him giving Leo an agitated look.

"Uuh yea-" again I was interrupted but this time by Raph and Mikey. "Hey Y/n-" Mikey was beaming with happiness. Even Though he had bandages all over him as well as a black eye.

I went to look towards Raph but the doors to the lab slammed shut. Looking towards Donnie I saw him pressing a button on his wrist-band.

"Finally." He sounded relieved.

"As Leo was saying we wanted to talk about... this whole situation." Donnie stated but that just left me confused.

"Uhm... what whole situation?" I asked furrowing my brows in confusion.

They both looked at each other and gestured for me to sit down. I was confused as to why but I did so anyways.

"Soooo?" I questioned

"So uhm we-" Leo started

"We uhm"

"We might"


Dear god what is up with him?

"We might kinda sorta maybe..."

"What Leo is trying to say is we both have feelings for you. Which is clearly obvious, so." Donnie looked at his brother.

"The both us will be." Leo put a hand behind his head.

"Trying to." Donnie put a hand over his face

"Win you over." They both said at the same time and now looking at me.

        I blinked a couple of times.


Soooo that was chapter 19 my first ever time writing a kissing scene I know it wasn't much but still hope you enjoyed

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