An unwanted visitor

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Previously on The Resident Conrad and Gigi post 5x03

Conrad couldn't bare to be away from Gigi any longer knowing how upset she was to leave him this morning so, he texted Marion that he was coming to get Gigi early so she and he could spend some time together. Although, the fact that for the past couple of days, He has been getting messages from his estranged father-in-law Kyle Nevin who he has not spoken to since he yelled at him for honoring Nic's wishes to not be on the vent and letting Nic go to her sister Jessie and Mom Grace in heaven. Conrad wants to answer, knowing that's what Nic would want him to do but he can't bring himself to do that because he is still mad at Kyle for what he said to him.

Present Day, Afternoon

Conrad is eating lunch with Gigi, AJ, and AJ's parents Yee and Carole when he feels his phone buzz in his pocket but ignores it, already knowing who is messaging him. AJ noticed and asked him, "Hey, you know your phone's been vibrating, right? you gonna answer it?" Conrad glanced down at his phone with a sigh and an upset expression, "Why should I? I already know who it is and I am not talking to him, not after how he reacted." Yee and Carole who were loving on Gigi looked up and say in unison, "It's Kyle?" Conrad nodded his head and looks at Gigi who is happily content in the warmth of Carole's arms. He notices that Gigi is dozing off and suggests, "Hey Carole, I hate to do this but I think I should get Gigi home for her nap." He gets up and grabs Gigi from Carole despite Carole and Yee's protests. Seeing how much they love his little girl brought a smile to his face, "Tell you what, how about you guys and AJ come over to our house for dinner on Saturday, we'll have dinner and maybe reinstate game night? I can see if anyone else would wanna come. Maybe we can get Trevor in on it." Carole and Yee nodded, liking that idea. Conrad lets them and AJ kiss a sleeping Gigi, grabs her diaper bag, and walks away, heading to his car, he runs into Bell and Kit. he whispers not wanting to wake Gigi, "Hi guys, how's it going?" Kit and Bell look at how precious Gigi looks asleep on Conrad's hip, Kit speaks first, "It's going well, how are you doing, Conrad? We miss you and Gigi." Conrad smiles, feeling a little sad that they miss him but he knows that he needs to step away from the hospital in order to take care of Gigi. He smirks knowing that Kit is trying to get him to come back to the hospital that he and Nic loved so much, " Thank you, Kit. I miss you guys too and I know Gigi does too but this is what's best for us right now. I was thinking of getting everyone together to do dinner and game night at my house on Saturday, What do you guys say?" Kit and Bell's faces light up and putting his hand on the sole of Kit's back Bell responds, "That sounds great, Conrad. Thank you. is 5 good?" "it's perfect, we'll see you guys then." Gigi starts to stir and get fussy so Conrad decides to end his conversation with Kit and Bell so he can get Gigi home, "I think i should get this little girl home so I will see you guys on Saturday, bye." He side hugs Bell and Kit before going on his way.

He leaves Kit and Bell standing there and Kit starts to tear up. Bell notices this and asks, "Kit, What's wrong?" She sniffles, "oh Nothing, it's just...... I know he needs help and that he is trying his hardest to make like everything's ok. I know Conrad's expressions and by the one he was giving us just now, I know that not everything is ok; I just want him to know it's ok for him to reach out to us." Bell turns to her grabbing her shoulders and bringing her in for a hug, he says, "Kit, I know you want to help Conrad, we all do but you can't rush him, when he needs help, I know he will ask for it but in the meantime, we need to let him know that we are all here for him and that he is not alone, ok?" She nods her head and says, "Ok, what do you say we go get some dinner and surprise him with it?" Bell smiles at how thoughtful Kit is and responds, "Let's go." They walk to a restaurant nearby and grab takeout to take to the Hawkins' household.

Later that evening, about 6 pm

Conrad was sitting at the kitchen table feeding Gigi corn and sweet peas when a knock at the door got his attention. He put the spoon and bowl down on the table and went to open the door and when he did, face to face with a drunken Kyle, "Conrad, bud! How are you?" "What are you doing here, Kyle?" Kyle sighed, almost brought to tears, " I want to apologize for how I acted at the hospital, I shouldn't have yelled at you and said you wouldn't save Nicky." Conrad looked at his father-in-law whom he once loved and said, "Kyle, you can apologize but it won't do anything, you made a promise to Nic and I, and the second that she's out of your world, you break that promise." Gigi starts to whine and cry, Conrad and Kyle look at her; Conrad turns to Kyle and says, " I'm sorry but I have to go finish feeding Gigi, goodbye, Kyle." Conrad is about to close the door but Kyle stops him, "wait, I want to be apart of yours and Gigi's life." Conrad chuckles, "well, you should've thought about that before you showed up to my house unannounced, drunk. If you're serious about Gigi and I, clean up your act, Kyle. Until you do, don't even think of coming back here or anywhere near us, you hear me?" Conrad closes the door and walks over to Gigi to finish feeding her and clean her up.

About a half hour later....
Conrad is playing on the floor with Gigi when there is a knock on the door, he gets up with a frustrated look on his face, thinking Kyle is back to continue his begging routine. As he opens the door he says, "Kyle, what did I tell you?" Once the door is open, he realizes that Kyle did not in fact come back but standing in front of him were Bell and Kit holding bags of takeout. The two looked at their colleague worriedly Bell asked, "uh are you ok, Conrad?" Conrad rubbed the back of his head and responded, " yeah I'm fine, I just had an unexpected and unpleasant visit from Kyle earlier and I guess I'm still kinda stinging from it." He looks at the bags of food and says, "you guys didn't have to bring me food." Kit laughs, pushing her way past Conrad to the kitchen, " Nonsense, knowing you, you probably fed Gigi but forgot to feed yourself." Conrad chuckled, "well thank you, both of you. I really appreciate it." Bell smiled, " it's not a problem, let's eat." He grabs the containers out of the bags while Kit gets plates out and Conrad picks up Gigi and puts her in her highchair that attaches to the counter. The three adults stand around the counter enjoying their food and company and watching Gigi as she plays with the toys Conrad set in front of her.

Hi guys, so I have the first two parts of this fanfic written and published so let me know what you think and let me know if you would like me to continue.
Xoxo your author, emmarooney5

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