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It's the next day, Conrad and Marion are on a  quiet park bench under a large oak tree. The leaves are starting to change color, creating a beautiful autumn backdrop.

Conrad: (smiling) "It's really nice out here today, isn't it?"

Marion: (nodding) "Yeah, it's perfect. I love this time of year."

Conrad: (pauses, looking thoughtful) "I've been thinking a lot lately... about us."

Marion: (curious) "Oh? What about us?"

Conrad: (taking a deep breath) "Well, I guess I just wanted to know where we stand. Are we... you know, boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Marion: (smiling softly) "I've been wondering the same thing. I mean, we spend so much time together and I really care about you."

Conrad: (relieved but cautious) "I care about you too, Marion. A lot. But, I also have to think about Gigi. She's my world, and I need to make sure that anyone I'm with understands that."

Marion: (reaching out to hold his hand) "I understand, Conrad. I know how important Gigi is to you, and I respect that. I want to be there for both of you."

Conrad: (squeezing her hand) "That means a lot to me. I just didn't want to assume anything or rush you."

Marion: (smiling warmly) "I appreciate that, Conrad. I think we should talk about what we both want. I do see you as more than a friend."

Conrad: (grinning slightly) "Me too. I want us to be official, if you're ready for that. But I also want to take things slow, for Gigi's sake. Although she is a baby, her life has already had so many changes."

Marion: (nodding) "I am. Let's do this at our own pace. Let's be boyfriend and girlfriend."

Conrad: (grinning) "Great. I'm really happy to hear that."

Marion: (laughing) "Me too. So, what do we do now, boyfriend?"

Conrad: (chuckling) "How about we start by getting some ice cream? My treat."

Marion: (standing up) "Sounds perfect. Lead the way, boyfriend."

they go to a small ice cream parlor with a few outdoor tables. Conrad and Marion sit at a table under an umbrella, enjoying their ice cream.

Marion: (taking a bite) "This is really good. Thanks for the treat."

Conrad: (smiling) "Anytime. So, tell me more about your family. I feel like I don't know much about them."

Marion: (thoughtful) "Well, my parents are pretty supportive. They've always encouraged me to follow my dreams. I have a younger brother who's a bit of a troublemaker, but I love him."

Conrad: (nodding) "That's nice. My family situation is a bit complicated. My mom passed away while I was in Afghanistan. It was tough, but my dad and I have been working on our relationship since then."

Marion: (sympathetic) "I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. That must have been really hard."

Conrad: (sighing) "It was, but my dad has really stepped up. He helps out a lot with Gigi, especially on days when I don't want to put her in daycare."

Marion: (reaching out to touch his hand) "That's really great to hear. It sounds like he's trying to make up for lost time."

Conrad: (smiling) "Yeah, he is. And it's been good for Gigi to have him around."

Marion: (smiling back) "And it's good for you too, to have that support."

Conrad: (grinning) "Thanks, Marion. I'm lucky to have both of you."

Marion: (blushing) "I'm glad we're doing this, Conrad. It feels right."

Conrad: (nodding) "It does. Let's take it one day at a time and see where it goes."

Marion: (smiling) "Sounds perfect."

Conrad's home. He has just checked on Gigi and now heads downstairs to talk to his dad, Marshall, who is sitting quietly on the couch.

Conrad: (sitting down next to his dad) "Dad? I know you and mom were already divorced for a while when she died, but how did you move on after she passed?"

Marshall: (taking a deep breath) "It was really tough, Conrad. Even though we were divorced, your mom was a big part of my life. When she passed, I felt lost for a while. What helped me move on was focusing on the good memories and the time we did have together."

Conrad: (nodding) "I can understand that. It's just hard sometimes to think about moving on without her."

Marshall: (placing a hand on Conrad's shoulder) "I know, son. The pain never fully goes away, but it does become more bearable with time. I found that talking about her, sharing stories, and keeping her memory alive helped a lot. And having you around gave me a reason to keep going."

Conrad: (sighing) "Yeah, I guess I need to focus on the good times too. And I have Gigi now, so I need to be strong for her."

Marshall: (smiling warmly) "Exactly. You're a great dad, Conrad. Just remember, it's okay to lean on others and share your feelings. We're all here for you."

Conrad: (smiling) "Thanks, Dad. I really appreciate it."

Marshall: "Always, son. We're family, and we'll get through this together."

Conrad stood up from the couch, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. His dad's words resonated deeply, reminding him that he wasn't alone in his grief. Heading back upstairs, he peeked into Gigi's room, watching her sleep peacefully.

Conrad: (whispering to himself) "I'll make sure you know how amazing your grandmas, Aunt Jessie, and your mama were, Gigi. And I'll be the best dad I can be for you."

As he closed the door gently, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that with his family's support, he could face anything. Conrad walked back to his room, ready to embrace the challenges ahead with an open heart and a supportive family by his side.

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