Conrad's recovery

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*They arrive at Conrad's home . Marshall parks the car and helps Conrad out while Billie carries Gigi inside.*

Marshall: "Alright, we're here. Let's get you settled in."

Conrad: "Thanks, Dad. I really need to lie down."

*Marshall and Billie help Conrad to his room and make sure he's comfortable in bed.*

Billie: "Here, let me get you some water to keep you hydrated."

*Billie leaves the room briefly and returns with a glass of water.*

Conrad: "Thanks, Billie. I don't know what I'd do without you two."

Billie: "Don't mention it. Just focus on resting and staying hydrated."

*Marshall starts to take Gigi upstairs to get her ready for bed, but Conrad stops him.*

Conrad: "Wait, Dad. Can you stay here for a minute? I want to say goodnight to Gigi."

Marshall: "Of course, son."

*Marshall leans Gigi down to Conrad's level so he can kiss her, but she turns around.*

Conrad: "Gigi, it's just daddy. Can you give me a kiss please, sweetie?"

*Gigi hesitates for a moment, then turns back and gives Conrad a gentle kiss on the cheek.*

Conrad: "Goodnight, Gigi. Sweet dreams."

Marshall: "Time for bed, sweetheart. You've had a long day."

*He gently changes her into her pajamas and lays her in a portable crib, turning on a soft nightlight.*

Marshall: "Sweet dreams, Gigi."

*Back in Conrad's room, Billie makes sure he's comfortable and has everything he needs.*

Billie: "If you need anything, just call me, okay? Your dad's gonna stay with you and G tonight in case you need anything."

Conrad: "I will. Thanks again."

*Billie quietly leaves the room, letting Conrad rest after a long, exhausting day.*

Marshall: *rushing in* "Conrad! Conrad, wake up!"

Conrad: *waking up, breathing heavily* "Dad? What's going on?"

Marshall: "You were having a nightmare. You kept saying Nic's name."

Conrad: *looking disoriented* "It felt so real. I... I miss her so much."

Marshall: *sitting beside him* "I know, son. It's okay to miss her. We're all here for you."

Conrad: *taking a deep breath* "Thanks, Dad. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Marshall: "You're not alone, Conrad. We'll get through this together."

Marshall heads upstairs and comes back a few moments later with Gigi, who's all smiles. He gently hands her to Conrad, and she looks up at her dad and says, "Dada!"

Conrad: *smiling, eyes welling up* "Hey there, sweetheart."

Marshall: *smiling* "She knows exactly what you need, Conrad."

Conrad: "Yeah, she does. Thanks, Dad."

Marshall: "Anytime, son. We're in this together."

Conrad holds Gigi close, feeling a bit more at ease with her in his arms. Marshall sits down at the table with them.

Marshall: "How about some breakfast? I can make pancakes."

Conrad: *nodding* "That sounds great. Gigi loves pancakes."

Marshall gets up and starts preparing breakfast, the smell of pancakes filling the kitchen. Gigi giggles and claps her hands, excited for her favorite meal.

Conrad: *smiling at Gigi* "You're always the sunshine, aren't you?"

Marshall: *flipping a pancake* "She sure is. We're lucky to have her."

As they sit down to eat, the morning feels a bit brighter, and the bond between them grows even stronger.

As they enjoy their breakfast, the doorbell rings. Marshall gets up to answer it, leaving Conrad and Gigi at the table. A few moments later, Marshall returns with a serious look on his face.

Marshall: "Conrad, there's someone here to see you."

Conrad looks up to see Nate, his old Marine buddy, standing in the doorway with a grave expression.

Nate: "Hey, Conrad. I hate to do this, but we need you back. We're short a man, and we're about to go into a brutal war overseas."

Conrad: *sighing heavily* "Nate, I... I don't know if I can leave right now. Gigi needs me. My family needs me."

Nate: "I understand, man. But we really need you. You're one of the best, and we can't do this without you."

Conrad looks at Gigi, who's happily munching on a pancake, and then back at Nate, the weight of the decision pressing down on him.

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