A surprise for conrad

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Conrad woke up to the sound of his phone buzzing incessantly. Groggily, he reached for it and saw a flood of birthday messages from friends and family. It was his first birthday without Nic, and he had planned to spend it quietly, maybe just a small dinner with his dad and Gigi. But as he scrolled through the messages, he couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness mixed with warmth from all the love pouring in.

Downstairs, his friends were whispering and moving around, trying to set up a surprise without making too much noise. Mina, who had taken charge of the planning, was determined to make this day special for Conrad, even if he didn't want to celebrate.

Mina: (whispering to the group) "Alright, everyone, let's make sure everything is perfect. Conrad deserves a great day, even if he doesn't think so."

As Conrad made his way downstairs, he noticed the unusual quiet and the faint scent of his favorite breakfast foods. He walked into the living room, and a chorus of "Surprise!" greeted him. His friends had decorated the room with balloons and banners, and a table was laden with all his favorite treats.

Standing next to the table, Marion was beaming with excitement, while Marshall held Gigi in his arms, gently bouncing her to keep her calm.

Conrad: (taken aback) "Guys, you didn't have to do this..."

Mina: (smiling warmly) "We wanted to, Conrad. You mean a lot to us, and we wanted to make sure you felt loved today."

Despite his initial reluctance, Conrad couldn't help but smile. Surrounded by his friends and family, he felt a glimmer of happiness. Maybe this birthday wouldn't be so bad after all.

Conrad was just starting to relax and enjoy the surprise when the doorbell rang. Marshall handed Gigi to Marion and went to answer it. He returned with two men in uniform, both wearing broad smiles.

Marshall: "Conrad, I think you might recognize these two."

Conrad's eyes widened in disbelief as he saw Hill and Silva standing there. His old commanding officer, Nate Hill, and his buddy from the Marine Corps, Jude Silva. They snapped to attention and saluted him, a gesture that brought back a flood of memories.

Conrad: (stunned) "Hill... Silva... What are you guys doing here?"

Hill: (grinning) "Marshall reached out to us. Said you could use some old friends around."

Silva: (chuckling) "We wouldn't miss it for the world, man."

For a moment, Conrad was speechless. The sight of his old comrades brought back a mix of emotions—pride, camaraderie, and a tinge of sadness for the times they had left behind. But more than anything, he felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude.

Conrad: (smiling) "It's good to see you guys. Really good."

Mina watched from the side, her heart warming at the sight of Conrad reconnecting with his past. She knew how much his time in the Marine Corps meant to him, and seeing him surrounded by people who understood that part of his life made her realize just how much they all cared about him.

The rest of the day was filled with laughter, stories of old times, and a sense of unity that made Conrad feel truly appreciated. With his friends and family by his side, he knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, he wouldn't have to face them alone.

Conrad was just starting to relax and enjoy the surprise when the doorbell rang. Marshall handed Gigi to Marion and went to answer it. He returned with two men in uniform, both wearing broad smiles.

Marshall: "Conrad, I think you might recognize these two."

Hill: (grinning) "Marshall reached out to us. Said you could use some old friends around."

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