Healing hearts

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*Conrad is trying to calm Gigi at home after a therapy session.*

*Gigi, in Conrad's arms, starts to cry and call out repeatedly, "Mama, mama."*

Conrad: (softly) "I know, sweetheart. I'm here. It's just you and me right now."

*Gigi's cries intensify, and she continues to call for her mother. Conrad tries bouncing her, rocking her, and even playing with Mr. Giraffe, but nothing seems to work. His frustration and worry begin to build.*

Conrad: (gently) "I wish I could make it better, bubble. I really do."

*He takes a deep breath, feeling overwhelmed, and reaches for his phone. He dials AJ's number, hoping for some help.*

AJ: "Hey, Conrad. What's up?"

Conrad: (strained) "AJ, I need a favor. Gigi won't stop crying, and nothing I'm doing is helping. Can you call your mom? Maybe hearing her voice will calm Gigi down."

AJ: "Of course, man. Hang tight, I'll get her on the line."

*Conrad waits anxiously, continuing to try and soothe Gigi as best as he can. A moment later, AJ calls back with his mom on the line.*

Carol: "Hello, Conrad. Let me talk to Gigi."

*Conrad puts the phone on speaker and holds it close to Gigi.*

Carol: (soothingly) "Hi, Gigi. It's Carol. Everything's okay, sweetie. I'm here."

*Gigi's cries begin to soften as she listens to Carol's calming voice.*

Conrad: (relieved) "Thank you so much. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Carol: "You're doing great, Conrad. Just keep holding her close. She'll be okay."

*Gigi finally starts to relax in Conrad's arms, her cries turning into soft whimpers.*

Conrad: "We'll always have each other, Gigi. Always."

*They sit together in a quiet moment, the echoes of Gigi's calls for her mother fading away as she finds solace in her father's embrace.*

Later that evening, after Gigi has calmed down.

*Conrad is sitting on the couch, holding Gigi, who is now asleep. The house is quiet, and the weight of the day's events begins to settle in.*

Conrad: (whispering to himself) "I miss you, Nic. I wish you were here to see how amazing our little girl is."

*He gently brushes a strand of hair from Gigi's face, his eyes filled with a mix of love and sorrow.*

*The doorbell rings, breaking the silence. Conrad carefully gets up, trying not to wake Gigi, and walks to the door. He opens it to find Devon standing there with a warm smile and a bag of takeout.*

Devon: "Hey, thought you might need some company and food."

Conrad: (smiling weakly) "You have no idea how much I appreciate this. Come on in."

*Devon steps inside, and they move to the kitchen. Conrad lays Gigi down on the couch, covering her with a blanket before joining Devon.*

Devon: "How's she doing?"

Conrad: "Better now, thanks to Carol. It's just... some days are harder than others."

Devon: "I get it. You're doing an incredible job, Conrad. And you don't have to do it alone. We're all here for you."

*They sit down to eat, the comforting aroma of the food filling the room. The simple act of sharing a meal brings a sense of normalcy and support.*

Conrad: "Thanks, Devon. It means a lot."

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