A Father's love

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Chastain Hospital

*Conrad is in the middle of a busy shift when he gets a call from the hospital daycare.*

Conrad: (answering the phone) "Hello?"

Marion: "Hey, Conrad. It's Marion. Gigi's really fussy and seems very upset."

Conrad: (concerned) "Oh no. Is there anything specific going on?"

Marion: "She just won't stop crying and keeps looking around for you."

Conrad: "I'll be there as soon as I can. Thanks for letting me know."

*Conrad quickly makes his way to the daycare. When he arrives, he sees Gigi in Marion's arms, crying.*

Conrad: (taking Gigi from Marion) "Hey, sweet girl. Daddy's here. What's wrong?"

*Gigi starts to calm down a bit in Conrad's arms.*

Marion: "I think she just needed to see you."

Conrad: "Thanks, Marion. I really appreciate you being here for her."

Marion: "Of course, Conrad. We're still friends, and I'll always be here to help."

*Conrad holds Gigi close, feeling grateful for Marion's support.*

Sure, here's how the scene could continue with Conrad returning to the ER:

Chastain Hospital ER

*Conrad gently places Gigi back in her crib at the daycare, making sure she's comfortable before heading back to the ER.*

Conrad: "Sleep tight, sweet girl. Daddy will be back soon."

*Conrad returns to the bustling ER, where Devon and Leela are working.*

Devon: (noticing Conrad) "Hey, Conrad. How's Gigi doing?"

Leela: "Yeah, we heard she was really upset."

Conrad: "She's okay now. Just needed her daddy. Thanks for asking."

Devon: "Glad to hear she's better. If you need to take more time, we've got things covered here."

Conrad: "I appreciate that, but I think I'm good now. Let's get back to work."

*Conrad joins Devon and Leela, feeling grateful for his supportive colleagues.*

Chastain Hospital ER

*Conrad, Devon, and Leela are busy handling various cases in the ER.*

Leela: "Conrad, there's a new patient in room three. Possible appendicitis."

Conrad: "Got it. Devon, can you assist me?"

Devon: "Of course."

*They head to room three where a young woman is lying on the bed, clutching her abdomen.*

Conrad: "Hi, I'm Dr. Hawkins. Can you tell me where it hurts?"

Patient: "It's right here, on the lower right side. It's been getting worse."

Conrad: "Alright, we'll take good care of you. Let's run some tests to confirm if it's appendicitis."

*They start examining the patient, focused on diagnosing and providing the necessary care.*

Devon: "Leela, can you get an ultrasound machine and some blood work started?"

Leela: "On it."

*Leela leaves to get the equipment. Conrad continues to talk to the patient to keep her calm.*

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