Time with Family/losing a friend

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Conrad's living room. Marshall has just arrived to visit Conrad and Gigi.

Conrad: "Hey, Dad! It's so good to see you. Come on in."

Marshall: "Thanks, Conrad. It's great to be here. How are you holding up?"

Conrad: "It's been a bit of a rollercoaster, but we're managing. Gigi's been a handful, but she's such a joy."

Marshall: *smiling* "I can see that. Look at her go! She's walking so well now."

Gigi: *toddling over to Marshall* "Ga ga!"

Marshall: *picking up Gigi* "Hey there, little one! You've grown so much. How are you, princess?"

Gigi: *giggling* "Good!"

Conrad: "She's been keeping me busy, that's for sure. But it's worth it."

Marshall: "I bet. Listen, Conrad, I wanted to talk to you about something. Gina and I broke up."

Conrad: "Oh, Dad, I'm sorry to hear that. Are you okay?"

Marshall: "Yeah, it's for the best. We were just on different paths. But it's still tough."

Conrad: "I understand. Breakups are never easy. But hey, we're here for each other. We'll get through this together."

Marshall: *nodding* "Thanks, son. It means a lot. And seeing you and Gigi like this, it reminds me of what's important."

Conrad: "Absolutely. Family is everything. We'll support each other, no matter what."

Marshall: "You're right. And speaking of support, how are things with you? Any new developments?"

Conrad: "Actually, I've been thinking about dating again. I met someone named Emily. She's really kind."

Marshall: "That's wonderful, Conrad. Nic would want you to be happy. Take things one step at a time."

Conrad: "Thanks, Dad. We'll figure it out together."

Marshall: "Yes, we will. Now, let's enjoy some time with Gigi."

Conrad's living room. Marshall and Conrad are sitting on the couch, watching Gigi play with her toys.

Conrad: "So, Dad, what do you think we should do today? Maybe take Gigi to the park?"

Marshall: "That sounds like a great idea. She'll love it. Plus, it'll be good for us to get some fresh air."

Conrad: "Perfect. I'll grab her stroller. Gigi, do you want to go to the park?"

Gigi: *clapping her hands* "Park! Park!"

Marshall: *laughing* "I think that's a yes!"

At the park. Marshall is standing next to the swing set, watching conrad push gigi on the swings.

Marshall: "You know, Conrad, seeing you with Gigi, it reminds me of when you were her age. You had the same energy and curiosity."

Conrad: "Really? I guess she takes after me then."

Marshall: "Definitely. And you're doing a great job with her. Nic would be so proud."

Conrad: *smiling* "Thanks, Dad. That means a lot."

Marshall: "Anytime, son. And remember, I'm always here for you. We'll get through everything together."

Conrad: "I know. I'm grateful for that."

Gigi: *looking up at her grandpa* "Ga ga!"

Marshall: "Hi, honey"

Conrad: "This is what it's all about, isn't it? Family, being together, supporting each other."

Marshall: "Absolutely, Conrad. This is what matters most."

Conrad: "Thanks for being here, Dad."

Marshall: "Always, son. Always."

later that day, conrad invites Billie, trevor and Kyle over for dinner. The family sits down to dinner, enjoying the meal and each other's company. Suddenly, Conrad's phone rings. He looks at the caller ID and sees it's Jude.

Conrad: *answering the phone* "Hey, Jude. What's up?"

Jude: *sobbing* "Conrad... it's Nate. He... he was killed in combat overseas."

Conrad: *stunned, his face turning pale* "Oh my God, Jude. I'm so sorry. We're here for you." *He puts the phone on speaker so everyone can hear.*

Billie: *noticing Conrad's reaction* "Conrad, what's wrong?"

Conrad: *voice shaking* "It's Nate. He was killed in combat."

The room falls silent as the weight of the news sinks in. The family gathers around the phone, offering support and comfort as they process the devastating news together. Conrad takes a deep breath and continues speaking to Jude.

Conrad: "How are the rest of the guys holding up? Do you know what the funeral arrangements are yet? If you need any help with them, just let me know."

Jude: *sniffling* "They're all taking it really hard. We haven't figured out the details for the funeral yet. I might need your help, Conrad. I don't know how to handle all of this."

Conrad: "We'll get through this together, Jude. I'll help with whatever you need. Just focus on taking care of yourself right now."

Billie: "Whatever you need, Jude, we're here for you."

Trevor: "We'll make sure everything is taken care of."

Kyle: "Nate was a hero. We'll honor him properly."

After the call ends, the room is heavy with emotion. Conrad immediately picks Gigi up and holds her close to him, finding some solace in her warmth and innocence.

Conrad: *whispering to Gigi* "You're safe, little one. We're all here for each other."

The family continues to offer their support, knowing that in times of such profound loss, their unity and love are what will carry them through.

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