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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! So this will be a buddie fic and will basically be a re-write of the tsunami episode with the way I wanted it to go ;-) may be a two part story. As always leave a comment and let me know what you think. 



Buck bit his lip as his thoughts turned to Eddie as they always did these days. He missed being around him it was almost as if a piece of him was missing, seeing him that morning had been a pleasant surprise even if he hadn't shown it. It had taken all his will power not to yank him into a kiss and he had only managed to refrain from doing so because of Chris. He didn't know when his feelings for his best friend had gone from platonic to romantic but here they were......

Maybe it had been when he had gotten crushed by the fire truck? He had been so out of it and full of pain medication that he barely remembered what happened but he could have sworn Eddie had stayed with him the entire ride to the hospital and the days following his surgery though that was murky too. All he could remember was seeing the fear on Eddie's face as he saw Buck pinned beneath the truck, how his was the first voice he heard, how Eddie had reached him before the rest of them despite being the farthest away from him at the time, the first touch he remembered feeling. Maybe that had been when he'd fallen for him? Maybe it had been happening slowly for years and it was just now smacking him in the face? That seemed par for the course. 

Now that he wouldn't see him all the time he's brain had now decided to fill him in on all the little things he had noticed about his friend, things he probably shouldn't have if his feelings truly were platonic......

Like how his eyes sparkled when he laughed, how he looked in his uniform, the way his hair looked after he takes his helmet off, how cute his laugh sounded, the love he had for his son, the intensity he had on their calls, the care he would take with their victims.  

Ugh his head hurt. 

He sighed and was about to ask Chris what he wanted to do next when he noticed the tense atmosphere around him and frowned as he saw the apprehensive looks on the people standing next to him but before he could ask them if there was anything wrong Christopher pulled his attention back to him as he asked "Buck where did all the water go?" 

Alarm bells started ringing in his head before he had even turned around to see what he was talking about and stared in utter horror as he saw that the pier was standing inches deep in sand with no water to be found. 

That's not good Buck thought and grabbed Christopher around the middle and started sprinting from the pier yelling at everybody to evacuate just seconds before the harbour master rang the warning bell. 

"GO! GO! GET OFF THE PEIR!" Buck continued to yell at anybody he passed. 

His hold on Christopher was probably going to leave bruises but he'd rather explain to Eddie how he'd bruised his son's ribs than how he got him killed in the tsunami that was about to swamp LA! 

The only thought in his head was to save Chris he didn't particularly care about himself but he would never be able to look Eddie in the eye let alone live with himself if anything happened to Chris because of him. 

The sirens continued to wail setting his already frazzled nerves into over drive and he could barely think straight as he heard the sound of rushing water. 

Not daring to look behind him he gently placed Chris behind the kiosk hoping that it would provide some protection and was just vaulting over it himself when the wave hit and all he saw was a whiteout. 

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