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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! So this has turned into a completely different story to the one I intended lol, it was supposed to be a light hearted fic with the 118 out for karaoke but that is not what's come out of my head :-/ so eh we'll see. Not quite sure where this is going so bear with me ;-) and as always leave a comment and let me know what you think.

TW: Buckley parents (enough said lol)



My father never talked a lot
He just took a walk around the block
'Til all his anger took a hold of him
And then he'd hit

Maddie swallowed harshly trying not to sink low in her seat as Margaret continued to berate her for her life decisions, she had somehow forgotten how passive-aggressive her mother could be not to mention their blatant disregard for her brother.

Glancing off to the side she could see Buck's shoulders slumped avoiding their parents gaze as he prodded the food around his plate and her stomach twisted, god she shouldn't have asked him to come over but she knew she wouldn't have been able to deal with their parents on her own. She had wanted her brother's support but now she was wishing he was anywhere else so that he didn't have to take their dismissive comments whenever he tried to insert himself in the conversation.

God she was such a horrible sister.

Apparently sensing her turmoil Buck glanced up and reached for her hand under the table giving it a reassuring squeeze before letting go and she swallowed hard fighting back the sudden lump in her throat.

"Evan" Buck flinched gritting his teeth but turned to raise an eyebrow at their mother. "When are you going to settle down?" Maddie almost chocked on her drink.

They shared a weary look before he answered "What do you mean?" Margaret sighed glancing at her husband as if wondering why she even bothered and Maddie clinched her teeth.

"Well, surely your not staying as a firefighter"

Oh, shit she thought closing her eyes in dismay.

Buck looked utterly confused as he glanced between them with a furrowed brow.

"Why wouldn't I?"

This was not going to end well she thought and quickly fished out her phone sending Eddie an SOS and praying that things weren't about to reach Defcon 1 as she was expecting.

"With the amount of hospital trips you've had we just assumed you were looking for a job you could actually do" Buck looked like he'd gotten slapped across the face and her blood boiled a sudden rage fuelling her but before she could stand up for her little brother someone knocked on the door.

Seeing the out she gestured for Buck to get it as she turned to her parents with a scowl as he quickly hurried for the door.

"Buck is the best firefighter at the 118, not to mention L.A"

Both her parents scoffed.

"I doubt it, he couldn't save Daniel" her mother said with a sniffle and her mouth dropped open in disbelief.

How dare they! How dare they use Daniel against him. 

She was about to tear them a new one when Buke spoke and her heart dropped to her stomach.

"Who's Daniel?"


Maddie turned with a strained smile and prayed that her parents kept silent for once as her mind raced rapidly tyring to think of anything to stop the explosion about to take place; God where the hell was Eddie? She could see Chimney behind him but she couldn't meet his eyes.

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