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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! So this is just a quick something that popped into my head after Celeste made a suggestion and as I need a quick fun little story to clear my head so that I can get back to writing the requests I have sitting in my backlog lol. 

Inspired by Good Riddance. 



Taylor Kelly stands in front of her full length mirror and flicked her hair back checking her make-up one last time smiling in satisfaction before she grabs her keys and heads out the door texting an old friend to meet her at the bar. 

Hopefully she could have a fun night out with her friends and she wont run into the 118 firefighters. 


Abby Clark walks into the bar laughing as Taylor recounts one of her spectacularly failed dates and glanced around as they headed to get drinks noting that they had ended up in a firefighters bar and she couldn't help but snort in amusement as she raised an eyebrow at her friend who just shrugged with a shit eating grin. 

"Always looking for a story huh?" she asked. 

Taylor shrugged not the least bit ashamed "First responders always have the best gossip"

She snorted but conceded the point. 

"Come on lets find a table" she said heading for one of the booths. 

Abby nodded and glanced around again hoping that she wasn't going to run into a certain 118 firefighter. 


Natalia Dollenmeyer took a sip of her drink and glanced around noting the firefighters and police officers in the bar and couldn't help but hope that she didn't run into a certain firefighter from the 118. 

She waved as she caught sight of one of her friends gesturing her over. 

"Taylor? Over here"

The red head swung around at the sound of her voice and grinned tapping another woman's shoulder (who also happened to be a red head) pointing towards her and she nodded gesturing for Taylor to lead the way as they made their way over to her. 

Natalia stood to greet them with a smile pulling Taylor into a hug. 

"Nat, I'm glad you could make it" Taylor said. 

"Me too, it's been awhile since I've had a decent girls night" she replied as she sat back down. 

"Are we waiting for anyone else?" 

Natalia nodded "Yeah my old roommate Ali" Taylor nodded and turned to the woman beside her. 

"Abby this is Natalia, Natalia meet Abby"

They both waved at each other with warm smiles. 

"Nice to meet you" Abby said as she sat down opposite her. 

"Likewise, how do you two know each other?" she asked curiously. 

Taylor snorted taking a sip of her drink as Abby rolled her eyes good naturedly but before she could reply she spotted her friend Ali walking through the door. 

"Oh, Ali just got here give me a second" she said giving them apologetic looks before darting out of the booth and heading for her friend. 

"Ali!" she called as the woman glanced around clearly searching for her. 

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