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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! What if Buck had been the one in an abusive relationship and Eddie was the one who saved him? I'll be included bit and pieces from the fight of flight episode in season 2.




Eddie frowned noticing that Buck seemed agitated, he kept glancing over his shoulder and flinching at every loud noise.

"Buck?" his friend practically jumped out of his skin at the sound of his voice. "Are you ok?" Buck blinked seeming to come out of his thoughts and smiled but it looked fake.

"Yeah had a rough night I'm just tired" he didn't believe that for a second.....

Well actually he did as he got a closer look at Buck seeing the dark circles under his eyes, the shaky hands, the twitching but he had also seen enough soldiers in a state of hypervigilance that he could recognise the signs.

"Come on we're gunna be late" Buck took the stairs to the loft two at a time using his longer legs to his advantage and he rolled his eyes grumbling under his breath as he scrambled to keep up.

Bobby caught his eye as Buck passed him heading for the kitchen obviously sensing the same thing he had but he subtly shook his head just as in the dark as he was but before they could talk and hopefully compare notes the alarm sounded and they all raced for the truck.

Eddie kept an eye on his partner throughout the rest of the day trying to figure out what was wrong and becoming increasingly more worried because every time he asked Buck would just brush him of stating that he was tired, that it was just nightmares and after what had happened with the truck bombing and the tsunami he couldn't really call bullshit.


Eddie was coming back into the bunks when he heard someone moaning and he frowned glancing around flicking on the torch on his phone so that he didn't wake everyone and lifted it above his head letting it light the room.

He's eyes immediately landed on a thrashing Buck and he rushed over somehow managing to avoid crashing into any of the bunks in his haste and waking everyone in the process and he dropped to his knees by Buck's bunk not wanting to crowd him when he woke.

He was about to try and wake him when he realised he was saying something and he leaned in slightly to hear it "No Andy please" he moaned and Eddie frowned.

Who the hell was Andy?

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to" Buck continued "I'll get it right next time I promise" his heart broke at the broken tone.

Whatever he was dreaming about it wasn't good and he needed to wake him up, though he got the feeling that touching him to shake him awake would not be a good idea right now so he scooted back a little and quietly called out to his friend.

"Buck?" Nothing. "Buck!" he said a little louder and there was a pause in his restless mumbling so he called out again "Come on Buck you need to wake up buddy" Buck whimpered a small sound escaping his lips and he felt a lump stick in his throat. Throwing caution to the wind he slowly placed a hand on his shoulder gently shaking him and Buck woke with a cry and flinched away from him.

"Woah, Buck it's just me" Eddie said quickly retracting his hand and giving his partner space.

Buck blinked giving him a confused look eyes clouded with sleep and he gave him a small smile not reaching out for him like he usually would forcing his hands to stay at his side even though he desperately wished to pull him into a hug at the broken look on his face.

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