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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This will be Eddies version of I dare you! Where its Eddie who stands up to Chimney.



Eddie startles at the knock on his door frowning in confusion. He wasn't expecting anyone over and if its Buck why was he knocking he had a key? Shaking his head he gets up and opens the door only for his eyes to widen a startled exclamation leaving his lips as Buck stumbles into his arms. 

"Oh my god! Buck!?"

No response. 

Buck was a literal dead weight in his arms and he has a sudden flashback of his pulmonary embolism and is immediately on alert yelling for Chris who was doing homework in his room to call 911. 

"Buck can you hear me?"

He slowly lowered Buck to the floor and turned him over gently hissing as he saw the side of his face his left eye swollen shut and a nasty gash just above it still bleeding and from the stains on his shirt it had been doing so for awhile. 

"Dad? What happened?" Chris came out and he raised a hand telling him to stop not wanting him to see Buck in such a state. 

"Chris stay there, did you call 911?"

"Yes there on the way" Chris gasped as he caught sight of Buck. "Is Buck ok? What happened to him?" he asked worriedly.   

"I don't know mijo"

There was a moan and his eyes darted back to Buck a relieved sound escaping his throat "Buck hey. What happened?" he asked wanting to know if he was attacked and rolled his eyes as he sighed in annoyance at the thought. 

Of course he'd got attacked he had a freaking black eye!

"Chim?" he blinked in confusion. Was he asking or telling? 

"No Buck its Eddie" he said quickly wondering if the attack had left him confused but Buck shook his head wincing from the movement and gestured to his wound "Chimney" he said again eyes fluttering before he passed out again. 

He didn't even get the chance to process what had been said before he heard "LAFD?" Eddie glanced up and saw Bosko and her crew coming into his house. 

"Bosko" he said in relief as she bent to examine Buck. 

"Eddie......" she gave him a searching look and he raised an eyebrow "Please tell me this wasn't you?" he gaped at her in shock. 

"What?" she just raised an eyebrow at him and he glared at her "No!"

"I'm sorry I had to ask" he just sighed but conceded the point considering their last interaction. 

"We need to get him to the hospital now or his going to lose his sight"

The blood drained from Eddie's face and he immediately helped them with moving his friend, if Chimney had done this? If Buck lost his sight? Finding Maddie was going to be the least of Chimney's problems. 


Buck always looked so small in hospital beds despite his massive size and he hated that he knew that, sighing he asked if Pepa could take Chris for the night before he glanced at the bed watching a sleeping Buck debating if he should tell Maddie. He didn't even have Maddie's number and he wasn't about to go through Buck's phone to get it, but he wasn't sure if he could let this slide......

He glanced at the bandage wrapped around Bucks head, the eyepatch and gritted his teeth, Chimney could have caused him permanent damage. There had been swelling/bleeding in the brain, (which David had managed to get under control thankfully) he had a detached retina and a fractured orbital bone all of which could have adverse affects to Buck's eyesight but they won't know until he wakes up. 

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