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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! Try not to kill me for that cliff hanger ok? I'm sorry ;-) anyway here's part 2. 



Eddie jolted awake sweat streaming down his face and clutched his chest feeling as if it had been caved in by a sledgehammer, he turned to see Chris still asleep beside him and sighed running a gentle hand through his hair and removing his glasses. 

He glanced around to see that search and rescue was still undergoing and he took a deep breath and gently extracted himself from his sons arms and stood up and made his way over to Bobby who just walked through the doors. 

"Eddie your up" he nodded not sure if his voice would work.

He didn't remember much after Bobby and the rest of the team had turned up except a crushing numbness and the vague feeling of having a panic attack he must have passed out not long after.  

"We are out searching for him" Bobby placed a comforting hand on his shoulder and he suddenly realised that he knew the extent of his feelings towards his best friend. 

"I...." he cleared his throat and Bobby handed him a bottle of water. 

He took a few sips and collected himself before he tried again "I need to be out there" Bobby nodded as if he had already anticipated that and waved someone over. 

"Hen I'm sending you and Eddie out to join the search"

Hen finished dealing with her patient and walked over. 

"Of course cap"

She pulled Eddie into a hug "I'll meet you out there" he nodded and went back to his son making sure he was comfortable and forced the rising guilt down. 

This was just something he had to do. 


They had been looking for hours and he was beginning to lose hope when he caught sight of something.   

"BUCK!" the scream tore out of his throat before his brain had even registered what he was seeing.

Eddie sprinted down the road ignoring the splash of the water and Hen cursing behind him as she tried to keep up with her medical bag.

Its a mistake, it has to be a mistake they just have the same shirt he thought desperately as he rolled them over to get a look at his face.

The blood drained from his own and he felt like he couldn't breath, with shaky hands he reached out to brush the hair back from his face to reveal the familiar purple birth mark and he choked his throat closing up.

"Eddie I........." he startled at the sound of another voice having forgotten he wasn't on his own and looked up to see Hen her hand at Buck's neck.

She met his eyes hers already filling with tears as if she knew that she was about to destroy his world as she said "I don't have a pulse"

That's when he started screaming.



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