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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! We all know that Buck is a good dad to a son but we as a fandom know that he is a girl dad through and through and would be an amazing father to a little girl so what happens when he gets a call from Hershey?




Buck pulled into the parking lot of the local church.

He didn't remember making the funeral arrangements.

He didn't even remember the drive to Hershey.

In fact he didn't remember much after the news report that had aired two days ago.




Buck had just poured himself a coffee when he heard the familiar sound of Taylor Kelly's voice and wondered whose life she was about to implode this time, he turned to the fridge wondering what he could do for lunch not paying much attention to the news until "Hey Buck?" he grabbed several ingredients from the fridge deciding on chicken salad.

"Yeah?" he called back heading to the counter to get started.

"Didn't you say you were from Pennsylvania?" Hen asked.

He grunted in confirmation only paying half attention to the conversation. "Ever been to Hershey?" now that got his attention and he finally turned towards the couch to see his team enraptured by whatever Taylor was saying.

Sighing and ignoring the concerned look on Eddie's face (who knew his home town was a touchy subject) he headed over and gestured for them to turn it up.

"This is Taylor Kelly reporting from the small town of Hershey Pennsylvania where the local Police Department are investigating what appears to be an equivocal death investigation" he shrugged and was about to turn back to the kitchen when she continued flagging down an officer.

"Officer what can you tell us so far?" the cop looked a little too eager to be on camera as he puffed up his chest and ran a hand through his hair.

"We are investigating the murder of Maddie and Doug Kendall" the blood roared in his ears and he clinched his fist around the cup in his hands trying to hide there shaking. "If you ask me its an open and shut case" the officer continued clearly milking his time on air.

"Why is that?" Taylor asked glancing at the camera conspiratorially.

"We have been receiving multiple domestic disturbance calls from this address for years. Either Maddie finally fought back in an attempt to save her own life or he finally went too far and killed her and unable to bear it killed himself which seems the more likely scenario" the coffee slipped from his hands to shatter across the floor seeming to echo the shattering of his own heart.

Taylor and the cop kept speaking but he couldn't hear a word they said as he stared at the TV as they flashed a picture of his sister on the screen with a number to contact if anybody else was experiencing a similar situation urging them to get help and he stared unable to tear his eyes away from her laughing face.


Bobby placed a hand on his shoulder but he barely even noticed.

They all glanced at each other in concern as Bobby slowly tugged Buck away from the TV noting how the younger firefighter was visibly shaking and worryingly pale, eyes glassy.

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