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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! I was thought it was a little harsh of Chim for punching him when he was only trying to respect his sisters wishes, like no Chim its his sister he has the right to side with her over you! But I digress lol. This is just a short story where Buck finally stands up for himself.



Chim watches his two favourite girls as Jee-Yun babbles away at Maddie a bittersweet smile on his face, he knew they had done the right thing by separating but that didn't mean he hadn't wished for a different outcome when they had finally re-united in Boston.

The knock on the door had him giving a guilty start wondering if he hadn't forgotten about visitors and quickly made his way to the door ready to apologise when he saw Buck standing outside with his arms folded and he sighed a complicated mix of feelings swirling within his chest.

"Hey Buck" he said as he opened the door.

Buck gave him an unreadable look as he walked past heading straight for Maddie and effectively ignoring him but with the way he had treated his friend before he had left he couldn't blame him.

"Buck I didn't know you were coming" Maddie said standing up to give her brother a hug.

"Hey Maddie I'm sorry but I wanted to catch you both before our shift starts"

Maddie glanced at him but he shrugged just as confused as she was and went to clap a hand on Buck's shoulder but Buck flinched ducking away from him eyes cold and Chim immediately pulled his hand back lips parted in shock as Maddie frowned between them noticing the sudden tension in her brother.

"I'm not here for a catch up" he said straightening to his full height.

Why did he always forget how tall Buck actually was? Chim swallowed his heart beating wildly at the flash of anger on Bucks face as he turned to him deliberately putting himself between Maddie and him.

"Buck what's going on?" Maddie asked sounding worried as she place Jee in her crib.

Buck turned to her his eyes softening but gestured to the kitchen and they silently followed Chim feeling a little weird at being lead through his own home but wisely kept his mouth shut.



Buck closed his eyes wondering if he should have spoken to Chimney without Maddie but quickly dismissed the thought, if Chim had been angry enough with him to lay a hand on him what was to say he wouldn't do the same to Maddie? She had already been an abusive relationship he wasn't about to let her step into another, especially when she now had Jee to think about. He knew Chim would never do that but he'd also thought he would never hurt him too so....

He wasn't going to take the chance and he wanted Maddie to know that he could do that, besides he was still waiting for an apology from the guy, he took a deep breath regaining his resolve as he hardened his heart and turned to Chimney who gulped taking a step back from him and he wondered what he was seeing on his face.

"If you ever lay a hand on Maddie like you did me......" his voice dropped dangerously low.

"I know where no one will find your body"

Maddie made a strangled noise but Buck didn't spare her a glance still glaring at Chim who had gone pale "There will be no hesitation I didn't quit the SEALS because I wasn't any good at it" he added making sure he drove it home for Chimney.

"My black eye healed but I promise you....." he paused eyes narrowing. "Actually I dare you to try and lay a hand on Maddie" he snarled hand fisting resisting the urge to deck him then and there at the thought and he glanced at Maddie who looked utterly stunned. 

Huh apparently he hadn't told her about their little falling out. 

"A broken neck is much harder to survive than rebar" he let the threat hang for a moment.



Chimney swallowed hard trying to calm his racing heart at the threat hanging in the air and found himself suddenly taking notice of how big Buck actually was and realised that he wouldn't stand a chance SEAL training or not. Since when could Buck be so intimidating? He was the fire stations golden retriever for a reason and yet he had no doubt about the validity of his threat as he saw the resolve/protective glint in his eyes.

He could feel the anger building in Maddie beside him but didn't dare take his eyes of Buck who seemed to be waiting for an answer and he quickly nodded stammering something he barely heard and hoping that he wasn't about to have his throat slit in his sleep tonight.

He wasn't quite sure which Buckley would end up holding the other end of the knife either. 

After a moment Buck let the tension drain out of his shoulders and gave them a bright grin clapping his hands making them both jump "Now let me see my niece I need to give her a big hug" he said and brushed past them back to the living room leaving a stunned silence in his wake.

"You hit my brother?" Maddie said slowly her voice seething and he swallowed realising that the danger from the Buckley siblings was far from over.

He was still trying to get over Bucks death threat because there was no doubt in his mind that he would follow through especially after what had happened with Doug and blinked as he turned to Maddie who was glaring at him furiously.

He opened his mouth unsure of what he was even going to say when his alarm started blaring and he let out a small shriek at the sudden noise. Quickly scrambling to turn it of remembering he had set it to remind him of his shift and felt his shoulders slump in relief and grabbed his duffel and practically sprinted out of his own house, leaving Maddie fuming behind him and knew he was going to be in shit when he came to pick up Jee-Yun but was more than happy to escape right then.

"See you at work Chim" Buck said waving as he hopped into his jeep and he stopped.

Well.... he thought and swallowed the lump in his throat as he realised he was about to spend a twenty-four hour shift with Buck who had clearly not forgiven him for the black eye and who had just threatened to kill him if he did anything like that again......

Not that he could blame him.

There was no way their friends weren't going to notice the tension between them. 

This was going to be fun he thought and got into his own car and headed into the station.


AUHTOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! I may do a Buddie version where its Eddie who goes after Chim not sure yet but let me know what you think and as always leave a comment. 😘😘😘

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