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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This will be a buddie fic where the 118 are all hanging out and Chim and Hen are determined to show two young firefighters the extent of their feelings towards one another. 



Chimney was discreetly watching Buck and Eddie banter back and forth as they washed the truck, or at least he thought he was being discreet until Hen came up to him and cleared her throat. 

"You know if you stared at those two any harder I'd start to think Maddie has reason to be jealous" he spun glaring at her. 

"Shhh" he hissed and she rolled her eyes. 

"Like they can hear me from all the way down there" she scoffed. 

"What are you doing anyway?"

Chim rolled his eyes and turned away from the pair gesturing for Hen to follow not wanting to be over heard by the well meaning (if a little nosey) probe, she pulled a face at his antics but followed nonetheless.

"How long is this going to go on for?" Hen gives him an odd look. 

"What are you talking about Chim?"

How could she not see it? It was so damn obvious he'd had to have permanent brain damage not to notice and maybe not even then. He gestured back towards the men washing the truck as Buck laughs at something Eddie had said and she raises an eyebrow at him clearly wondering if he was ok? "What them cleaning the truck?" Ok there is no way Hen is that dense.

Chim throws his arms up in exasperation shaking his head but notices the small smirk on her face and he sighs glaring at her as she laughs shoving his shoulder playfully "Come on you make too easy" he rolls his eyes grumbling under his breath. 

"We should do something"


"Yes we" he says giving her a look. 

"What? Come on you really gunna let me do this on my own?" she scoffs at him "Of course not" he grins. 

"Great. That means you have a plan right" Hen just laughs gesturing him over to the couch. 

They sit heads bent huddled together as they talk coming up with different ideas on how to get Buck and Eddie together.   



Buck yawns as he walks up the stairs to the loft heading straight for the coffee, he'd had a bad night last night screaming himself awake as he felt the ladder truck crush his leg. Absently he noticed Hen and Chim sitting on the couch having an animated discussion, could hear Bobby pottering about in the kitchen, is aware of Ravi going through drills but it all was distant muted. 

Someone taps him on the shoulder and he blinks coming out of his spiral to see Eddie giving him a concerned look as he hands him a cup of coffee and he realised he'd just been staring at the machine in a daze and he feels a blush crawl up his neck as he takes the cup. 

"You didn't get any sleep last night did you?" Eddie said quietly. 

Was he that easy to read? Or did he just look that bad? To be fair he'd rushed out the door this morning barely having time to grab breakfast before he had to start his shift. He took a sip of his coffee stalling for time wondering if he could just shrug it off, he didn't want to burden Eddie especially when he had his own problems to deal with but before he can say any of that Eddie raises an eyebrow at him giving him a knowing look. 

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