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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! Get the tissues ready I have a feeling this one is going to be brutal 😉 it has been requested by @gurn70 (hey boo hope you have a box of tissues on hand ;-) your gunna need them) This is another tsunami AU where Buck has already filed the lawsuit and has become the pariah of the station and needing some peace he heads to the pier. We will be jumping in time during this so everything written in Italics is in the past. 

P.S: Also each POV has been given a song. 

Maddie: Brother by Mads Buckley (yes I laughed too)

Eddie: Hold on by Chord Overstreet

Buck: The sound of silence by Disturbed

Hen: You should be here by Cole Swindell 



Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence

Buck woke gasping for breath, the phantom feel of his leg being pinned chasing him from the darkness and he groaned cursing his alarm as it blared from his phone and blinked blurrily up at the ceiling wondering if it was even worth getting out of bed; he had never imagined the day when he would dread heading into work but recently its all he'd been doing.

He sighed rubbing a tired hand across his face, he wasn't sure he could face a twenty four hour shift with his team at the moment.

Sure it was partly his fault and he couldn't really blame them for being angry with him after filling the lawsuit but the department had decided that they didn't trust him enough to do his job (despite breaking records re-qualifying) and had stuck him with a desk job instead which was actually worse for his health according to the doctors.

He had gone to Bobby, to HR, hell even to the union and all of them had told him to give them time, that they were just concerned, that they wanted to take precautions no matter that he had been cleared by his PT doctor and his therapist so that he could return to work.

So he'd sued.

Was it wrong? Maybe. Did he regret it? Definitely considering that the lawyer he had retained had failed to mention that he was going to destroy his relationship with his team in the process. Would he do it again? In a bloody heartbeat.....

(Perhaps with a different lawyer though)

He had wanted to return to his family and they had been denying him the chance to do that, the fact that it had come out during said lawsuit that it had been Bobby all along had felt like the ultimate slap to the face.

Buck sighed and shook his head trying to stop his thoughts from spiralling as he hopped out of the shower tousling his hair dry and reaching for his phone when it pinged.

Bobby: I've pulled you off the rota today.

He stared at his phone in confusion a mix of relief and guilt twisting his stomach in knots as he typed out a reply.

Buck: What? Why?

Bobby: There's a bug going around and I'd rather not get sued for putting your health at risk so your off shift.

"SON OF A....."

He took a deep breath trying to swallow his frustration and gritted his teeth as he tried to come up with a reply that didn't sound as angry as he felt but before he could hit send Bobby had gone offline and he flung his phone back on the bed.

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