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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is Eddie's version of returning home to Buck and Chris. I could write so many of these lol I love the whole army storyline so expect to see more of them at some point ;-) Shannon and Buck are best friends in this. As always leave a comment and let me know what you think. 



Eddie couldn't hide the grin as he pulled up to the 118 firehouse. 

There were no vehicles parked in the bay so he assumed that they were out on a call which was perfect for what he wanted to do. 

He wanted to surprise his family having missed his husband so much it was like a physical ache during his deployment but he was finally getting to see him after months of video calls and he couldn't wait to fold Buck into his arms. 

He'd finished his last tour in the army a few months ago and had returned to Texas and joined the fire academy to get his certification for becoming a firefighter all the while pretending he was still deployed when Buck, Shannon or Chris called. 

He had finished at the academy last week and had immediately contacted Bobby (Bucks fire captain) to transfer over to L.A and start at the 118 making sure that Bobby knew who he was and what he had planned asking for secrecy.  

Was it mean to lie to his family like that? Yes. Would the surprised look on their faces be worth it? Hell yes. 

He had promised to have his husbands back and he couldn't do that when there was an ocean between them something which had become abundantly clear when he'd seen Buck get blown up on live TV last year and he'd decided then and there that his current tour would be his last tour as he'd watched Buck screaming as his team had tried to get the ladder truck of his leg. 

Eddie sighed and shook his head trying to clear his thoughts and reminding himself that he was home now. 


He'd been offered an honourable discharge and he'd taken it. 

He walked through the station familiarising himself with the layout before he headed for the changing rooms getting changed out of his civilian clothes and was in the process of putting on his shirt as the trucks rolled in. 



Buck groaned rolling his shoulders trying to work out the kinks letting the rest of the team jump out before he did as he texted Shannon asking if she was up for meatballs tonight and sending a quick message to Chris reminding him that they were calling Eddie after dinner.

He wished he could speak to his husband face to face instead off over the phone but they had all agreed that they had needed the money while Buck was in the Academy getting certified and Shannon was on leave from her job to take care of her mother. 

He missed him more than he could bear most days but he was more than familiar with military life having been a SEAL and knew that it was just as hard on Eddie as it was on them.   

"Ok that is a beautiful man" Chim said pointing towards the changing rooms as Buck swung down from the truck.

"Where's the lie?" Hen asked turning in the same direction and Buck snorted "And I like girls" she looked a little dazed as she glanced towards the changing rooms. 

Bobby laughed giving Buck an odd look making him raise an eyebrow before he turns. 

His mouth dropped open as he recognised the black hair, the stubble, the impeccable jaw line, the impressive thighs (he was well acquainted with) and the abs on clear display and a strangled noise escaped his throat. 

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