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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! Like I said I'm in my Christian Kane era lol. This is an AU where Buck is at a truck and ladder bar with Eddie reminiscing about his past not realising his past was in L.A and the same bar looking for a certain firefighter. 

Inspired by the song: Thinking of you by Christian Kane



Buck couldn't help but think about Eliot as he got to the station, he wasn't sure why but his ex had been on his mind a lot recently, maybe it had something to do with the fact that Eddie had started dating again? Or maybe it was just the fact that despite Eliot being in the military and getting deployed every few weeks it had actually been his healthiest romantic relationship. 

He saw how happy Eddie was and couldn't help wishing that he had that too. 

Shaking his head he heads to the locker room humming under his breath and resisted the urge to grab the dog tags under his shirt. 

The only one who knew about them was Eddie though he didn't know who they belonged too. 

Eliot had handed them over asking him to keep them safe before disappearing on him. 

"Hey Buck, we still on for tonight?" Eddie asked clapping him on the shoulder as he walked into the locker room. 

He grinned and nodded "Of course"

They headed up to the loft "So?" Buck asked raising an eyebrow at his best friend who blushed under his gaze muttering something under his breath. "Come on how did it go?" he continued playfully nudging his shoulder. 

Eddie had planned a date night with Marisol last night and as he was currently living vicariously through his friend (since breaking up with Nadia, honestly there was only so much he could talk about death) he wanted all the details.  

His best friend snorted rolling his eyes as he chuckled. 

"We had a great time" he said grabbing the coffee and pouring two cups. "I cooked" Buck winced quickly covering it up by reaching for the sugar and discreetly took out his phone quickly looking for her number. 

He needed to make sure she was still alive. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Texting Marisol with instructions on how to deal with food poisoning" he replied with a smirk and Eddie huffed "Hey, don't you remember the nice meal I cooked for you and Taylor?" he raised an eyebrow at him as he fought the laugh in his throat. 

"You have gotten better" he conceded and Eddie snorted shaking his head in amusement. 

"Hey guys" Hen said joining them and Buck handed her a coffee and she gave him a grateful look. 

She turned to Eddie "How was date night?"

"He cooked"

Hen blanched and glanced at him in horror a smirk playing at her lips "Should we send over a welfare check?" Buck burst out laughing at Eddie's indignant look. 

"I'm not that bad!" they just raised an eyebrow at him "Eddie you burnt water" he said patting him consolingly on the back as Hen cackled. 

Grumbling under his breath good naturedly Eddie headed towards Chim and Bobby as he and Hen giggled before joining the rest of their team. 

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