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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! So I did a Mergana version of this in my Merlin one shots but I love the idea of Buck as a S.E.A.L and having met Eddie in the army instead of at the firehouse so this well be an established Buddie relationship. His journey to surprise Eddie and Chris takes an unexpected turn, will he still make it to the ceremony? 



Buck finished strapping on his gear wincing at the pain in his ribs and ignoring the various cuts and bruises he'd received courtesy of the group of insurgents he and his seal team had been sent to intercept along the border just as Steve walked into the barracks and he glanced up giving him a confused look as he raised an eyebrow at him. 

"How's the ribs ghost?" Steve asked having seen the small wince. 

"Only hurts when I breath" Steve snorted giving him a sympathetic look before frowning as he noticed the outfit he was wearing and gave him a confused look "What are you doing?"  

"Er gearing up for the mission sir?" he replied sounding confused even to his own ears. 

Steve snorted rolling his eyes "I can see that I just don't understand why?" he blinked uncertainly wondering if Steve was pranking him. 

"Isn't it an important day for your husband tomorrow?" his shoulders slumped and he sighed giving Steve a small nod not meeting his eyes. 


Tomorrow was the day Eddie was becoming a firefighter with the one eighteen having finished his probationary period and they where holding a small inauguration ceremony and he was disappointed about being unable to go. 

"Its Eddie's inauguration ceremony where he becomes an official member of the L.A.F.D"

Sam walked into the tent and gave Steve an exasperated look "What is he still doing here?" Steve smirked as Buck glanced between them wondering what the hell was going on. 

Shouldn't they be leaving for the mission? 

"I haven't told him yet"

"Told me what?" he said his own irritation flaring up at being kept in the dark. 

"Your not going on mission Buck your going home" Sam said grinning at him. 

His mouth dropped open and he quickly sat down on his bunk lest his legs give way from shock. 

"Your kicking me of the teams?" he asks not caring that his voice shook. 

Steve scoffed giving him a reproachful look as Sam cuffed him upside the head and winced glaring at him. 

"Don't be stupid" 

He arced an eyebrow at them rubbing at the headache that was starting to form behind his eyes and Steve sat next to him throwing an arm over his shoulder Sam doing the same on his opposite side. 

"Ghost your family and the best damn shot on this team we are not kicking you out" Steve said nudging his shoulder with a grin. 

"Your contract is up within the week right?" he pursed his lips and nodded still unsure on whither or not he was going to take it. 

Don't get him wrong he wanted to go home desperately, he was tired of watching Chris grow up through a video screen, tired of missing birthdays and Christmas's but they needed the money though now that Eddie was going to be a firefighter putting his life one the line everyday it made sense for him to go home just in case as much as he hated the idea of there ever being a possibility that Eddie wouldn't come home he couldn't ignore the logic. He sighed and shook his head trying to clear his thoughts as he glanced between his team blinking in surprise when he saw Jason, Eliot and Marjan had joined them. 

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