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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! Lets see how dark this can get shall we ;-) here's part two Celeste hope you enjoy, I'm not sure of the ending yet so maybe have tissues handy ;-) and as always leave a comment and let me know what you think.

TW: Kidnapping/Torture/PTSD episodes/Physical/Mental abuse. 



"The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness."

JJ frowned glancing around when she realised Roo hadn't returned after his phone call and glanced uneasily at Reid who looked just as troubled as she felt, she'd been waiting to fill his team in on the reason for them being here but it had been at least twenty minutes since he had taken that call and now she was getting worried. 

"Where's Roo?" she asked getting up to look over the railing. 


Reid snorted giving her a knowing look and she grimaced "It's what we call Buck" she explained still searching for the Seal. 

Eddie came up beside her with a worried frown as he glanced at his phone clearly seeing if he had a text but after a moment he shook his head expression even more troubled and she swallowed hard. 

She glanced at the time and her blood ran cold. 

Buck's deadline had gone and passed. 

He wouldn't she thought gripping the rail hard as she searched the apparatus floor. 

They had made it before the deadline, they even had a preliminary profile to work on after visiting the coroner/crime scene, he wouldn't have left without hearing that especially when it could help them find his sister.....


Her eyes widened as a thought occurred to her and she cursed a blue streak and glanced at Morgan who immediately dialled Garcia and she gave him a grateful look. 

"Hey baby girl whatever you are doing drop it" she couldn't help but laugh at the confused looks on the 118 faces. 

"Ugh! Yes, and with pleasure" Garcia said happily and he passed the phone over to JJ. "Let me tell you something, sweetheart. This is a Lamborghini you are talking to, you have to drive me" before she could interject Garcia continued and she shared an amused look with Morgan. 

"You can't just leave me parked in the garage collecting dust, or I will wilt"

Trying to channel her inner Derek Morgan, JJ grinned and said "Well, please forgive my neglect, I need you to rev up that fine-tuned Italian engine of yours, then"

"JJ! Oh my god it goes without saying I was expecting someone else" she just laughed more than used to Garcia's eccentricities by now. 

"We think the UnSub had personal details about Maddie Buckley so I need you to figure out who might have been in her house recently. Cable guy, plumbers people like that"

Garcia hummed "I always wonder about plumbers, you know they peek in your medicine cabinet. You just know it" she shook her head trying not to laugh. 

Honestly no matter the situation Garcia always knew how to brighten her day "Maybe try a phone repairman or a babysitter, she has a computer in the house so maybe check one of those techie people who make house calls. I also need you to track the number I just sent you"

Eddie straightened his shoulders tense, a guarded look flashing across his face. 

"Ok the number belongs to an Evan Buckley, oh he could rescue me any day" JJ couldn't help but laugh at her friends muttered comments as she tapped away on her computer before giving a triumphant hum "Found him"

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