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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is just a little one shot where Buck is babysitting Chris for the night and they spend it watching Disney and Chris and Eddie find out that Buck can sing and has written an original song. 



Buck glanced around the loft making sure everything was ready and nodded satisfied just as a knock came at the door and he grinned practically sprinting for the door and flinging it open almost wrenching it from the hinges in his eagerness. 

"Buck!" he grunted as Chris barrelled into his legs. 

Eddie chuckled "Don't knock him out mijo" Buck laughed as Chris gave him an indignant look. 

"I'm sorry Pepa had to cancel last minute" he waved him off shaking his head as he moved aside to let Chris into the loft. 

"Don't worry about it you know I'd happily take him any night you want" Eddie gave him a grateful look and was about to add something when his watch beeped and he sighed looking guilty. 

"Go or your gunna be late, I doubt even Anna would appreciate that" he ignored the bitter taste in his mouth as he said it trying for a smile. 

"Buck! Come on!" Chris called thankfully saving him from Eddie's reply as he glanced back chuckling as he saw Chris waving at him practically bouncing on the couch impatiently. 

"I'm coming, I'm coming" he called back. 

"I'll pick him up at ten" Buck shrugged and ignoring the tightness in his throat he said "He can always stay here the night" he left the rest unsaid and Eddie blushed shifting nervously as he cleared his throat not meeting his eyes. 

"Just a suggestion" one he really couldn't believe had come out of his mouth but still. 

"I'll er keep it mind" Eddie rubbed the back of his neck and his watched beeped again making them both jump. "I should....."

"Yeah of course" they said at the same time and he watched sighing in defeat as Eddie hopped back into his car and drove of. 

God he was such an idiot, only he would fall for his ridiculously hot partner who also happened to be very straight. Shaking his head to get rid of his thoughts about maybe shoving Anna Flores into the nearest burning building he quickly shut the door and headed over to Chris who was flipping through the channels as he waited a bowl of popcorn in his lap.  

"Ok superman what do you wanna watch?"

Chris grinned "Descendants"

It was his new favourite according to Eddie. Shrugging he grabbed the remote and looked for said movie smiling as he found it was a Disney movie and settled back on the couch as he clicked play refusing to think about Eddie on his date with a girl he wasn't even sure he liked. 

He glanced at Chris who was munching on the popcorn eagerly watching the film and couldn't help the fond smile on his face as Chris raised an eyebrow at him pointing at the screen as he bopped to the music (which was admittedly very catchy) saying "Your missing the best part" he laughed but obediently turned back to the film. 

Apparently Mal had managed to get her prince though he thought spiking chocolate cookies was a little harsh as who could resist chocolate chip? Not Prince Ben apparently who was currently dancing all over the screen.  

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