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AUHTOUR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This is another tsunami fic where Buck ends up on the pier on his own and decides to make one last call.

Inspired by the song: Till forever falls apart by Ashe and Finneas.



If the tide takes California
I'm so glad I got to hold ya

Buck glanced around trying to clear his vision and found himself in some random apartment building having been washed in by the wave and ignored the water rising up to his calves, the shaking in his hands and dialled Eddie knowing that he wasn't going to answer considering he was on shift.

"Hey Eddie" his voice shook and he cleared his throat.

"Your about to have a very long day and I don't mean to add to it, I know I'm the last person you want to speak to right now but considering the circumstances....." he was cut of by the sound of glass breaking and he glanced over to see debris crashing into the window.

"You don't have to listen you can delete it, pretend you never heard it I get it I'm exhausting, I promise I'll suck it up later but right now......" he sighed, his head thudding against the wall. 

Why was this so hard? When had everything gotten so complicated? Should he even be doing this when they hadn't even spoken in weeks? He shook his head and tried to clear his thoughts wincing at the pain in his arm. 

"Besides its not like I'm going to be around to be pissed at you not that I ever was to begin with but I need to know that I've said it so please if you have any lingering feeling of friendship any shred of fondness left towards me then you'll do me the courtesy of hearing me out"

He swallowed and heaved himself up with a groan trying to find a higher point he could reach as he sloshed through the water shivering as the cold bit into his skin reaching a flight of stairs hoping that those in the building had been evacuated or had at least made it to the roof.

"I promised I would always have your back but it looks like I'm going to have to break that promise I'm really not getting out of this one" he swore as he slipped on the step almost dropping the phone into the water.

He reached the door and pushed but it didn't budge so he slammed his shoulder into it only to find it stuck and he let out an incredulous laugh hanging his head and glanced back to see the water level rising, it wasn't going to take long for it to reach him.

"I guess I've been on borrowed time since the bombing and my luck has finally run out" he gave a dark chuckle as he added "At least Bobby won't have to worry about me coming back and being a liability even though the doctors cleared me....." he sighed through his nose and shook his head. 

He was getting off track, Eddie didn't need to hear him bitching besides he'd called him for a reason. 

"Anyway I just wanted to let you know that if the tide does take California I'm glad that I got to know you and Chris and I'm grateful for the time we had" he shivered as the water reached his knees.

He took a deep breath and ignored the fear crawling up his throat as he started to realise that he was well and truly trapped.

"The voicemail is going to cut me of soon so all I'm going to add is that for a while when you were mine I spent the last three years giving you my heart. I had the best time falling into love with you I wouldn't wanna spend a minute loving anybody else and you will have my heart forever"

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