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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! So this is another request by Celeste (I love your requests they're such good ideas) with established Buddie. This will be a Criminal Minds/911 crossover where a serial killer is targeting L.A's first responders and Buck who is a former Navy Seal calls an old friend for reinforcements.

TW: Panic attacks/PTSD episodes





"It has been said that time heals all wounds. I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue, and the pain lessens, but it is never gone."

Buck wakes with a jolt the sound of gunfire, explosions and the screaming of his teammates  ringing in his ears and he immediately rolls into a defensive position gun in hand before realising that it was the sound of someone's TV.  

You've got to be kidding me he thought irritably glancing at the house across the road from them. 

Sighing he rubs a hand across his face and puts his gun back where it should be (he'd been cleaning it last night and must have left it out) and quickly slams the bedroom window shut. 

God what if Chris had been home? Or worse what if he'd ended up in a flashback? His panic attacks were few and far between these days having a firm hand on his triggers (and as much as he hated to admit it, therapy did help) but there were still a few things that could set him off especially when he was tired. He'd gotten home from a long 48 hour shift barely managing to say hello to Eddie before crashing so it didn't really surprise him that he was a little more on edge today than usual. 

Getting up he takes a quick shower and glances at the clock realising that Eddie must have gone to pick Chris up from school and had let him sleep and he smiles a warm feeling fluttering in his chest at his thoughtfulness, it had taken him a long time to trust that Eddie was in it for the long haul especially when at the start he had still been active military and was barely around but they had managed to make it through their bond growing stronger. 

He pursed his lips debating on what to do with his free time wondering if he could be bothered to get a start on making lunch or perhaps catch up with the world see what was going on, he debated on calling his former team but when he had spoken to them last night at the station they hadn't long gotten back from a mission and he wanted to let them sleep, so instead he settles on the couch and flicks on the news and watches with a frown as Taylor reports about a first responder found dead in their home and feels a lump of dread settle in his stomach. 

Old habits kick in as he studies the house on his TV, his SEAL brain taking note of all entry and exit points, the angle of the windows, the buildings on either side where someone could take a shot from, calculating the distance and factoring in response time. She hadn't said anything about a sniper, in fact she hadn't mentioned anything about there having been shots fired but after this morning he was a little jumpy and he couldn't help but jump to worst case scenario. 

He couldn't help but pick everything apart and doesn't even hear Eddie and Chris getting home. 

"Papa? Your awake" he jumped blinking out of his reverie to see Chris standing in front of him with a questioning look on his face. 

"Hey Superman, how was school?" he asked quickly turning off the TV. 

"We have a new science teacher"

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