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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! So clearly I'm back in my Christian Kane/Elliot Spencer (leverage) era because the next couple of stories I have planned is either inspired by/based on one of his songs or has the character he plays on Leverage in it lol. Anyway this is an established Buddie AU where Buck is a struggling country singer who met Eddie along his journey through the west coast. 

Inspired by: Let me go by Christian Kane. 



Let Me Go

Buck tapped the pen against the pad of his notebook writing the new lyrics humming as he played around with the new chords in his head. 

"Hey, babe" he blinked coming out of his thoughts and finally noticed his boyfriend who had clearly been trying to get his attention for awhile. 

Taking off his headphones with a sheepish look he smiled "Sorry, I didn't even hear you come in" Eddie smirked as he raised an eyebrow "Clearly" he placed his duffel on the table and he took a moment to study his boyfriend. 

He looked tired and he swallowed hard knowing that it was his fault. 

After all, he was the one who had dragged him across the country in search of a place where he belonged, living in subpar apartments month to month, uncertain of where their next meal would come from, or whether either of them could land a job in the small town ahead that boasted little more than a coffee shop, a locals bar and a hardware store.

Whenever he would mention it though Eddie would laugh it off and say it was an adventure, that he was seeing more of the world travelling with him than he ever would have on his own.....

Still the guilt had only gotten worse. 

It seems his parents where right after all. 

He wasn't good enough to make it anywhere. 

"So, take out good for you?" Eddie asked bringing him out of his morbid thoughts. 

He smiled "Sure"

His boyfriend grinned grabbing and flicking through their many menus as neither of them were good cooks and were more likely to burn the apartment down than actually prepare a decent meal. 

"What are you working on?" he asked grabbing the phone so that he could order. 

Buck bit his lip glancing at the scribbled words "I'm not sure yet" he said not wanting to voice what was in his head. 

At least not yet anyway. 

Eddie deserved so much better than him but he was too selfish and couldn't bear to leave despite knowing that it would be what was best for him and the song he was working on was his way of saying goodbye because he was too much of a coward to say to his face.  

Besides he deserved more than the Buckley special (pack up and run)  

"Well, I'm sure it'll be great just like all the others"

He couldn't help but scoff and Eddie narrowed his eyes at him swatting his arm. 

"Ow, what was that for" he said scowling as he rubbed his arm. 

"Don't do that, your songs are really good" he huffed rolling his eyes in amusement "You have to say that your my boyfriend" it was his turn to scoff giving a shake of his head. 

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