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AUTHOR NOTE: What if Eddie never came home? How would Buck react? What happens to Chris? Lets find out........apologies in advance you will probably need tissues.

Also I feel like Buck and Eddie would both be screaming this if they lost each other.



The shot rang out and Eddies voice trailed of in a strangled gasp as warm blood splattered across Bucks face and he flinched eyes opening wide as he watched Eddie fall to the ground as if in slow motion, before he could register what the hell had just happened the captain tackled him back behind the truck yelling at them to get down as he stared at Eddie in confusion.

"Shots fired, shots fired we have a firefighter down. I repeat shots fired firefighter down"

Buck jolted out of his shock his adrenaline kicking in he rolled underneath the truck his heart beating a staccato beat inside his chest as he army crawled towards Eddie forcing himself to fall back on basic training as he looked past the pool of blood and at his boyfriends face eyes glazed with pain fighting to stay conscious.

"Eddie! I got you" he called out hoping the sound of his voice would ground him ignoring the sound of bullets hitting the truck and the ringing in his ears, the pounding of his heart.

First Chris now Eddie......

What were they trying to do? Kill him? Give him a heart attack!

He reached the end of the truck and reached out gripping Eddie's arm and yanked him underneath the truck wincing as Eddie cried out in pain, trying not to hurt him too much Buck pulled him one more time getting him under cover completely before he rolled out from underneath the truck bringing Eddie with him.

"Get him in the truck! In the truck!" the captain yelled and Buck resisted the urge to hit him mainly because that would mean dropping Eddie.

He placed Eddie over his shoulders in a combat carry ignoring the blood as it drenched his shirt, he was already covered in it anyway, gently he placed Eddie on the seats and ripped his shirt open as the captain yelled at them to drive.

With shaking hands he placed the electrodes on Eddies chest hearing himself babble as he tried to keep Eddie awake. Eddie tried to move his arm asking him something and Buck frowned leaning forward to hear him trying to block out the screeching of the tires, the wailing of the sirens.

"Are you hurt?" Eddie croaked giving him a concerned look.

Buck frowned glancing down at himself reflexively and saw the blood he was coated in which is what was undoubtedly worrying his boyfriend and he quickly shook his head wanting to laugh at the absurdity of Eddie being concerned about him when he had been the one shot......

And yet he'd probably react the exact same way if it was the other way around.

"No babe I'm fine"

Eddie nodded a relieved smile on his face and Buck swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Makes a change"

Buck couldn't help the chuckle that rasped out of his throat knowing it was true, it was usually him that ended up in hospital.

"How is he?" the captain asked and Buck suddenly realised he didn't know the guys name, just that he was the captain of this unit but he quickly shook the thought from his head and replied "He's lost a lot of blood" he nodded and radioed the hospital to have a transfusion unit standing by.

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