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AUTHOR NOTES: Hey guys!!! This is part two where Eddie and Chimney decide to cheer up their respective Buckley's after the aftermath of their parents visit by taking them out for karaoke which was how this story was originally supposed to start hahaha.



Eddie was pacing in the locker room as he waited for Buck to come into the station, he couldn't help but be worried for his friend considering the past few days; his parents coming to town had really done a number on him especially with the bombshell they had dropped. 

Buck had been left reeling and had almost died in that warehouse thinking he had something to prove when he didn't not to him and not the rest of the 118.

"You ok?" Hen asked giving him a concerned look as she headed to her locker. 

He turned and smiled "Yeah" she raised an eyebrow at him clearly unconvinced and he snorted. 

"Hey guys" Chim said in greeting as he walked in. 

"Hey" they chorused. 

"So, I was thinking" he started and he and Hen shared a concerned look. "You thinking, now I'm really getting worried" Hen said and Eddie pressed his lips together on a laugh as Chim huffed rolling his eyes good naturedly. 

"Its been a little heavy the past few days, you know with everything having gone down" they nodded both wondering where he was going with this. 

"We should do karaoke, bring Buck and Maddie cheer them up a little"

Huh, that wasn't such a bad idea he thought nodding. 

"I'm game" he said quickly texting his Abuela and asking if she could take Chris for the night. 

"Yeah me too, haven't had a good karaoke night for awhile" Hen said smiling. Chim beamed looking proud "Great, I'll book us a table" he said happily tapping away on his phone. 

Eddie finished getting changed unable to stop himself from glancing towards the bay doors every few seconds keeping an eye out for the jeep and trying not to let his thoughts run wild the longer he couldn't see his friend. 

Buck was allowed to run late on occasion it didn't happen often and after everything that had gone down he could be excused for his lapse.

Right? He just hoped that's all it was.  

He was so lost in thought that he didn't notice Buck until someone nudged his shoulder "Earth to Eddie? Man you good?" blinking he came out of his reverie and felt the tension drop from his shoulders at the sound of his best friends voice and he saw Hen give him a knowing look out of the corner of his eye. 

"Yeah, sorry just thinking" Buck hummed quickly getting changed and if Eddie stared a little too long at the skin on display... 

Well that was his business. 

He observed his friend, realizing the downtrodden demeanour and the dark cloud that had loomed over him for the past few days had dissipated, leaving him looking rejuvenated as though a burden had been lifted from his shoulders. He couldn't contain his responsive grin as Buck slung an arm around his shoulders and pulled him up the stairs for their morning briefing.

"Oh hey, your coming tonight right?" Chim said staring at Buck with a focus he usually reserved for his girlfriend. 

"Tonight?" Buck asked glancing at him in confusion and he shrugged fighting back his laugh. 

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