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AUTHOR NOTE: Hey guys!!! This has been requested by @Maisygg54 where Chris has gotten kidnapped and both our boys go on a rampage trying to find him, not sure on the ending yet so you can all suffer with me hahaha, though considering the last story I may give them a break who knows ;-) lol. This will be an established Buddie storyline where Shannon is still alive.

Maisy thank you for the request and can't wait to see where this one takes us :-) as always leave a comment and let me know what you think.



You are not hidden
There's never been a moment
You were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken
Your innocence stolen

Eddie slowly opened his eyes frowning a sudden sense of dread settling in his stomach but before he could think too much on it he heard a whimper from beside him and he turned seeing Buck shifting restlessly muttering something under his breath and his heart clinched at the anguished look on his face. 

Just as he was about to reach over and wake him he jolts awake with a yell "EDDIE!" his eyes frantic and gasping for breath and he quickly sat up in bed wrapping him in his arms. 

"Shhh, I'm right here" he soothes, running a gentle hand through his curls. 

Buck sighs giving him an apologetic look as he rubbed a hand across his face. 

"Sorry did I wake you?" he shook his head "No" he studied his boyfriend noting the dark circles under his eyes, the slight tremble in his hands. 

"What was it this time?" he asked gently. 

Buck pursed his lips eyeing him wearily as if he wasn't sure he should say anything and he tugged him into his chest trying to calm him. The sound of his heartbeat seemed to do it and he felt Buck relax as he nuzzled into his neck and he swallowed hard.  

His touch seemed to ground him, remind him that whatever his mind was torturing him with couldn't get to him.  

He'd noticed lately that Buck's nightmares had become more frequent not letting him rest and forcing him to stay awake until exhaustion took over and the only time he seemed to have a peaceful night was if they were together. 

Eddie ran through his memories wondering which one had Buck so upset. 

"Was it the bombing?" Buck shook his head. "The lightening strike?" again Buck shook his head and he frowned. 

"The tsunami?"

God he suddenly realised how much shit Buck had been through and that was just the past few years, was it any wonder that Bobby was always so worried about him. 

Hell he was always worried about him. 

"Babe talk to me please" he begged. 

Buck sighed but unwrapped himself from around him and sat up running a weary hand through his hair looking as if he was gathering his thoughts. 

"It was the prison riot" he said slowly glancing away. 

Of course he thought and sat up resting his head against Buck's shoulder.   

Yesterday had marked the one year anniversary of the Jamestown prison riot and the only reason it was even on their minds was because Taylor Kelly had decided she was going to do a documentary on it. 

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