🄰 🅃🅁🄸🄿 🄷🄾🄼🄴! (2/3)

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A knock echoed through the room and Ijekiel groaned yelling "come in".

A butler walked in and bowed before informing the young Duke that lunch was almost ready and that his father wanted to eat together.

Ijekiel nodded his head in acknowledgement before yelling at the butler to get out.

Ijekiel wasn't the type of person to yell, and especially not at the servants. But, in his eyes nobody but him was even worthy of inhaling your scent.

He got up, walking out of the room towards the dinning room.

"Ijekiel!" He heard a cheerful voice behind him. And before he had time to react she had him in a back hug.

"Jennette," he called. "Please let go of me," he pleaded.

"Aww.." She sighed, disappointed.

He continued walking to the dining room, Jennette struggling to keep up.

As the two walked in to the dining room, they were greeted with the familiar face of the Duke.

The duke smiled, jesturing for the children to sit down.


Ijekiel entered his room, spotting the maid closing up the last of his bags.

He walked passed her to his bookshelf. He picked up a book, a book that was given to him by his father before he was sent over seas.

Though Duke Roger did not title it, Ijekiel found it very easy to name it himself. "The way to cherish and protect your wife", was what he would name it.

Taking the book with him, he made his way back to the room he spent countless hours perfecting, the 'shrine' dedicated to his beloved (y/n).

Apon his arrival, Ijekiel found that the scent he found oh so comforting was fading.

This caused panic to rise in him. Looking around the room, he found that one of the windows was open. Along with the curtains.

This caused the panic he was feeling to settle in as fiery.

Who would enter this room?

The room that he forbid anyone other then himself from entering.

Of course, it could have been an honest mistake, seeing as the room it self looked very well kept and didn't have anything out of the ordinary about it.

But still.

Then, he heard movement from the bathroom.

Cautiously, he made his why to the bathroom door.

As he peaked inside there stood non other then


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𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖊, 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕯𝖚𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖘𝖘Where stories live. Discover now