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After many restful days, you were finally in the right state to except visitors again.

The first person to request a visit went by the name of Ethan Rodriguez.

He was squeezed into your busy schedule as an act on your long lasting friendship.

"Love?" Ijekiel called, entering your shared room quietly.

You hummed, continuing your work. He walked closer, eyeing your stacks of finished paperwork.

"Won't you take a rest?" He pleaded desperately, grabbing for your hand.

"Kiel dear, I have to finish this, I'll be finished soon then you'll have my full undivided attention," you reasoned, gently cupping his cheek and kissing his nose.

The young Duke nodded, sighing softly. "I understand," he responded, defeated.

His head hung low as he walked out of the room.

⋆⛧*┈┈┈┈﹤୨♡୧﹥ ┈┈┈┈*⛧⋆

As Ijekiel walked through the house, trying find anything to occupy his precious time, he caught wind of the maids gossip of the day.

"Have you heard?" One maid asked, the other shaking her head.
"Apparently lord Rodriguez is coming for a visit," she continued in a hushed tone.

The second maid dropped a book making the other jump. The first maid followed the eyes of the second only to be met with a livid looking Ijekiel.

"Apologies my lord!" The maid squeaked out before pulling her friend with her to another room.

As the two maids left, the young lord did not calm. He grasped the edge of the wall, his knuckles turning a pale white.

He turned around, walking quickly the opposite way from where the maids went.

Ijekiel walked back to your shared room quietly, closing the door behind him as he walked in.

"Kiel?" You called questioningly.

He did not look you in the eyes, instead, he forced you away from your desk. He dragged you towards your bed, throwing you down. The sudden roughness shocked you but you did not resist.

He layed down on top of you, cuddling into your chest.

"What's this?" you laughed softly, hugging him tightly.

The young lord shook his head, nuzzling further into your chest. After a long pause of silence, he spoke. "Is it true you'll be entertaining a visitor today..?" he asked, his voice muffled.

The question took you by surprise, "yes, for a little while later today, why?' you asked gently, your eyes softening as you took Ijekiel's face in your palms.

The platinum blond smiled softly, squeezing you tightly. "Nothing, nevermind," he sighed contently.


You sat in the greeting room patiently awaiting the arrival of your guest. Upon hearing the door open, you sat up straight, crossing one leg on top of the other.

"(y/n)!" you heard a familiar voice shout your name. He jogged towards you, his arms out wide.

You laughed, hugging him lightly. "Ethan, this is Ijekiel, my fiancé," you introduced, gesturing towards the young lord.

He waved, smiling politely at the green haired male. "I am Ijekiel Alpheus," he spoke.

The two males exchanged looks, almost challenging each other.

"A pleasure to meet you, lord Alpheus," the young lord Rodriguez spoke.

The young Duke countered, "the pleasure is mine, lord Rodriguez."

The two lords shook hands, glaring dangerously at one another.

They let go of each other's hand, Ijekiel reached out for yours, moving himself back to your side.

"Let's have a nice day!" You exclaimed, clasping your hands together with smile.

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Over the span of the day, you caught up with your friend while still getting closer with your lover, you spoke formally and friendly, you played games, caught up, and even went outside to roam together. Sadly, it was cut a bit short for you as you had been called away to help your father with a bit of trouble that had arisen.

"Do you love her to death?" The young lord Rodriguez asked, breaking the unbearable silence.

"Speak of her over my grave and watch as she brings me back to life," Ijekiel responded unphased without missing a beat.

The young lord Ethan smiled softly, "fine then, I'll leave her to you, take care of her for me," he spoke fondly.

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