ᴀ ɴᴇᴡ..."ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ"

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The rest of the way home went smoothly, until the carriage came to a sudden stop.

As Ijekiel moved to ask what happened, the carriage door opened, and in walked a guard. Ijekiel smiled, "did you get what I asked?".

The guard nodded, "yes, my lord", he bowed, handing Ijekiel a file.

Ijekiel thanked the knight as he left, leaving the young lord to look through the file on his way home.

The carriage took off again and Ijekiel opened the portfolio in his hands, the information stated:

⌘° ┄──────────╮

๑✦Name: Ethan Rodriguez

๑✦Gender: Male


๑✦Likes: new friends, animals, reading, studying, writing, etc.

๑✦Dislikes: celery, social standards, being angered, toxic or negative people and being unprepared

๑✦Fun Fact: lord Rodriguez has been playmates with lady (L/n) since they were in diapers.

╰──────────┄ ° ⌘

And hanging off the page was a picture of said man, "Ethan Rodriguez".



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Ijekiel laughed, this boy looked soft. The young lord thought of so many ways he could deal with him, if he wanted to.

But alas, he couldn't, it would make his beloved sad if he did. And the young Duke would hate to make his love sad.

He sighed, frustrated. He remained silent, recollecting his thoughts the rest of the ride.

Soon enough, the moon started to rise and the carriage arrived at the (L/n) manor. Ijekiel stepped out of the carriage, thanking the driver. He walked towards the estate while the carriage rode further down towards the side of the mansion, to drop off his luggage.

The doors opened as the young lord walked up the steps, the servants greeting him before continuing with there duties.

Ijekiel walked through the halls, it was quiet, the only noises that could be heard where his footsteps and the occasional servant conversations.

He wondered why so many servants where awake at this time of night, but frankly, he didn't care very much.

At last, he arrived infront of his beloved's room. He walked in quietly, careful not to wake you up.

Stepping towards the bed, the young Duke examined your face. His face drained of all color as he saw your reddened cheeks and bothered expression.

He laid his soft hand gently on your cheek, moving to your forehead. Then it clicked in his head, you were sick. But how? You were fine this morning. Did you work yourself sick? Did you hide being sick from him?

Questions swarmed the young lord's mind, panic setting in his nerves. But in the midst his overthinking, he felt a hand reach his face.

Ijekiel brought his attention back to you, he caressed your hand on his cheek with his own. You smiled, pulling him close to your chest.

Ijekiel stayed silent, relaxing into you touch. The room was silent, but not awkward. It was a comfortable silence that neither party dared to disturb.

"Soo..I guess we can't read tonight..?" You said, sounding more like a question then a statement.

The young lord nodded strictly, silently urging you to rest. Finally, he spoke up, "how long have you been sick?" He asked.

"Not long, the doctor said it was due to exhaustion. He told me if I rest properly, I'll be fine within the next few days." You explained, voice barely qualified as a whisper.

The young Duke nodded in understanding, cuddling into your chest.

As you tried to sit up, Ijekiel held you down and you heard a muffled "go to sleep" from the boy in your chest.

So, gradually you settled down. Slowly but surely, letting sleep overcome you fragile senses.



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/N: Hey cuties! Thank you sm for all the reads and votes, it's come as quite a shock to me. I'd like to let you know that my publishing might be a bit less frequent because of school stress and other things but I'll try to have chapters out as much as I can!

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