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After the young lord Ethan left the manor, your father requested for your presence in his study.

"Yes father?" You called, opening the door. To your surprise, you were met with the faces of both your parents and your mothers brother and his wife?

"Uncle, auntie? What are you doing here?" You inquired, surprised.

Your aunt smiled fondly, "Your father and uncle have been discussing," she started.

"You'll be taking a trip, your uncle and I need help with some matters and your parents can't leave the house unattended for so long. Therefore, you'll be coming in their stead," she explained happily, clasping her hands together in excitement.

You smiled cheerfully, "how long shall I pack for?" You asked.

Your aunt glanced at your uncle to which he stepped up and spoke, "pack for approximately a month." He replied.

You froze slightly, "father," you called cautiously.

Your father looked at you, urging you to continue.

"This will put the wedding planning off schedule, won't it?" You asked.

Your father shook his head, "your aunt can aid you if needed, you'll be able to continue planning there."

You nodded slowly, curiosity bubbling in the back of your mind.

"Now then, off you go to start packing!" Your mother finally spoke.

You nodded and walked out, biding your family a temporary goodbye.

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You walked into your empty room, calling for a maid to bring you two suitcases.

You walked into the bathroom to properly tie your hair. You undid the tightly wrapped ribbon while repositioning your pony tail in the mirror.

In the mirror you saw the unmistakable sight of Ijekiel leaning on the door frame.

"What did you need those suitcases for, dear?" He asked lovingly.

Finishing with your hair, you walked over to him, leaning your head on his chest with a sigh.

The young lord wrapped his arms around you, holding your figure close.

"Tired, my dear?" He asked calmly.

You nodded, your head not leaving its spot on his chest.

"Speak to me dear, what happened?" The platinum blond asked.

You sighed again, "We've got to go on a trip," you started.

"A trip? To where?" He asked curiously.

"To help my aunt and uncle with some business, but it could put the wedding planning back for a month," she finished explaining, rubbing her eyes tiredly.

The young duke hummed, understanding. He walked towards you, standing behind you and gently massaging your shoulders.


You stood infront of the manor, watching servants load your carriage with all your and your fiancé's bags.

Ijekiel had his hand around your waist, caressing your hip every so often.

You leaned back into his touch, calming yourself from the stressful time.

One of the butlers nodded to you, signaling that everything was ready for your departure.

You walked to the carriage, Ijekiel refusing to let go of you.

You giggled, "I'm able to walk on my own, dear," you smiled at him.

He shook his head, "is it so wrong to hold my future wife?", he asked.

You laughed again, climbing into the carriage with your fiancé's aid.

As you and Ijekiel got comfortable, you felt the carriage start to move.



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A/n: hey loves! I'm back and finished with exams so I'll be able to write more! Of course, since I've fizzled out of braincells, it'll be more then a week between each chapter, but I will be posting more often than the last few months! Thank you for the patience and support and stay safe everyone!

𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖊, 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕯𝖚𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖘𝖘Where stories live. Discover now