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The manor was calm when you woke up. To calm for that matter...

It was suspicious and, if you were being honest, it made you nervous.

The loud home you've lived in since birth, the home that you love so dearly but you always got a headache from, suddenly goes quiet? Why?

Slowly and quietly, you got out of your bed, careful not to wake up the young Duke asleep in it. Walking to your closet, you picked your outfit for the day:

 Walking to your closet, you picked your outfit for the day:

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After deciding on your outfit for the day, you got washed and changed

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After deciding on your outfit for the day, you got washed and changed.

After having finished, you left your room, closing the door as to not wake the young lord.

Walking through the deserted halls, not a single soul was seen. Not a single giggle was heard.

This made you worry. You walked around aimlessly, trying to find atleast a servant.

Then, you came across your brother's room, which you decided to knock on.

After you knocked, you heard footsteps getting closer and closer to the door. Then, the door opened, revealing your one and only little brother.

"What's wrong sis?" He asked curiously.

You shook your head, "Nothings wrong, but, where is everyone?" You asked.

"Oh, everyone's outside. Dad had them do outdoor chores today, so it's easier for you to recover." He explained happily.

You nodded in understanding, biding you brother farewell before walking to the kitchen.

Apon your arrival, you were greeted by the chef, who ushered a maid with a cart of food towards you.

You smiled, thanking him before leaving with the maid following you.

Apon reaching your room, you opened the door to find Ijekiel shuffling in the blanket. Clearly, he was still half asleep and not ready for breakfast.

You opened the door wide enough for the maid to roll the food cart into the room.

After setting up the cart near your bed, she bowed and left, waving you Farwell and wish you a quick recovery.

You sighed quietly as she closed the door. You flinched slightly at the loud sudden bang on the ground.

Looking over, you found Ijekiel had fallen off the bed. He groaned loudly, spreading his arms and legs in a star position.

It worried you when he just layed there on the floor, "maybe he hit his head?" You thought.

You walked over to him, looking at him from an aerial view. He didn't look like he was in pain, so you scratched that of your list of possibilities.

As you got to your knees for a closer look, his eyes opened.

He pulled you down, making you fall on top of him. He held you down with a hug.

He laughed childishly as he tickled you, forcing giggles out of you too.

Slowly, as the laughter died down, you got up. "Come and eat," you told him quietly, forcing yourself out of his grip.

You stood up and offered the young Duke a hand, which he gladly took. You pulled him up to his feet and guided him to your desk.

You picked up a plate and started picking and choosing from the vast assortment of breakfast items.

Ijekiel also made himself a plate before sitting on the chair beside you desk. You sat at your desk next to the young lord and you both ate in a comfortable silence.

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𝕳𝖊𝖗 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖊, 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝕯𝖚𝖈𝖍𝖊𝖘𝖘Where stories live. Discover now