𝗕𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲..2/2: 𝗿𝗲𝗰𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘆..

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You had been summoned to the palace and were supposed to be there tomorrow.

But how were you going to do that if both you and Ijekiel where in bed unable to move due to pain?

Unfortunately for you, after your horse back riding adventure yesterday, you both ended up beyond saddle sore.

The excruciating pain you felt brought you to tears when you woke up.

So, naturally, you called a Maid over to help you. She explained that saddle soreness came from not being used to riding horses for long periods of time

She told you that with rest, the pain should subside within a few hours to a day.

So, here you are, laying in your bed, next to your fiancé. Every few hours a maid would come into the room with antibiotics to help ease the pain.

You had an ice pack on your foot to help ease swelling from your tight boots. Ijekiel had a cold cloth on his head to help ease his aching head.

Although you were in a lot of pain, it was way more bearable than the pain you felt earlier.

"My lady..?" You heard a quiet voice speak from behind your bedroom door.

After being given permission, the maid walks in silently. Pushing a cart infront of her.

In the cart was what seemed to be you and your beloved fiancé's lunch.

The meal was soup. In the cart, there were about 3 different types of soup, chicken noodles, alphabet soup and even tomato soup!

There was toast and sliced ​​fruits too!

Making you both plates, the maid gently placed the plates in a tray before handing it off to you, being careful not to surprise the young lord.

Softly and carefully, you shook the young Duke awake.

"Hmm.." He groaned, turning his back to you.

You huffed, "get up!" You yelled.

The young Duke jolted up from his sleep, looking at you with worry.

"Eat." You spoke sternly, gesturing to the plate on the food tray.

The young lord thanked you quietly before taking the plate that satisfied his palette and utensils to go with it.


Over the span of 6 hours, you started to feel a noticeable decrease in your pain. Ijekiel also claimed to feel a difference in pain levels.

So, you decided to take a walk, just a small walk around the house.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"Ah, (y/n)!" Your brother called, running up to you, "how are you feeling?" He asked.

You smiled, "much better, thank you," you said, patting him on the head.

He smiled, leaning into your touch.

Your sister walked up behind him, putting a finger on her lips, signaling for you to be quiet.

She tiptoed up behind your brother before yelling "boo!" In his ear, making you giggle as he jumped and turned around.

Your sister was laughing loudly, her cackles echoed in the empty hallways.

Once she was finished laughing at your brother, she came up and hugged you.

"I missed you.." Her voice muffled in your chest.

Your brother also joined in on the hug, leaving Ijekiel to stand alone.

Your brother whined, "we never see you anymore since you got engaged!"

This caused you to laugh at your childish Sibling, "so?" You spoke, "I'll always be your older sister, nothing cam change that, right?" You smiled warmly.

"I suppose.." Your brother spoke.

"I love you both, more then you know." You told them sweetly.

"We love you too" They spoke in unison.

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