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Just like Ethan promised, we've begun to both drive to the theater right after work to see what they've planned for me. He even insisted on taking the lead while I drive behind him. I don't know who's more eager to see the theater gang's plan, me or him? To be fair, he just wants to do this to scope his competition. Also on a side note: Favian and Stella had found out that we're heading to the theater, so they've insisted on coming as well. I want to avoid pointing fingers or anything, but I think Favian had planted a tracking device on both Ethan and me because we're sure as hell didn't say anything to Favian. So, there's a Favian owned car tailing behind me while I tail behind Ethan. The more, the merrier they said, it'll be more enjoyable they said.

After a 30-minute drive (it's supposed to be only 20 minutes, but there's a bit of traffic on the streets), all three of us decided to park right next to each other. Imagine walking pass the parking lot and see three different men exit out their cars in unison. Also, it'll be easy to tell who's the odd ones out, it's the only guy who's a blonde in this trio. And there's also the only guy who has a woman wrapped around his arm. Lastly, I'm the only one in the trio who has a purple car. Basically, all three of us are the odd ones out in our group.

"I'm excited to see what the theater people had planned for you, Vydor." Stella clasps her hands together in attempt to contain her excitement. It's quite poetic, actually. Clasping of one's hands together to contain themselves to be overly joyed about something.

Ethan on the other hand just crossed his arms together over his chest and scoff at Stella's words. "My surprise birthday is the best thing a person could plan for someone's birthday. What could the theater gang possibly do to top that?" I know Ethan is just joking about it, and I know deep inside he's glad that he will about to witness me smile widely for the first time in months.

Favian gives Ethan the side-eye with a quirk of an eyebrow, "Don't tell me you're being competitive with the theater team?" Again, why is our boss hanging out with us? Like, really, why is he here? I mean, I'm glad he isn't throwing a tantrum—maybe because his wife is here. I swear Stella is the only person in the world that can make Favian calm his nerves.

Ethan throws a fist up in the sky and yells, "Media team is the best!" Oh God, I think it's too late now to pretend I have no idea who this person is. Stella only laughed at Ethan's enthusiasm, while Favian is shaking his head. Ethan hooks a hand around my shoulder, "You agree with me, right, Vy?"

Now is not the time to pick sides, but both team had been spectacular to be with. Also, both team had shared their laughter and achievement with me. The two teams are practically the same. "Both teams are the best for me, Ethan." He mocks a frown at my direction, and I can't help but to laugh.

Once the four of us reached the entrance, we've been greeted by a smiling Lisbeth. "Happy birthday, Vydor!" She throws her arms around me in a tight hug, and for some reason I can feel her scowl at Ethan. Here's a plot-twist I've found out recently, Lisbeth and Ethan are twins. I was shell-shocked to find out that they've been twins all this time. At first, it feels like a weird coincidence that they both have the same last name, but when these two had clarified to me that they're twins, my mind was blown out of my head that day. "What is this bozo doing here?" Lisbeth mutters once she steps back from the hug.

Ethan rolls his eyes, "Just scoping out the competition, sis."

Yeah, the twins are fighting for my affection and I can't help but to feel appreciated. "Pfft, there's not much of a competition if you're competing, brother."

Both Favian and I let out a slow whistle at that comeback. Stella on the other hand just gave a sympathetic smile at Ethan, but snickering softly at Lisbeth's words. I would love to watch these two siblings fight while I eat some popcorn. But frankly, these two siblings love each other with all their lives, it's just unfortunate that they're siblings that have to share the same womb.

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