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After a while of Mel dissecting the information I gave to her, she still doesn't know who the woman is. A sigh escapes her lips as her eyes finally glance back at mine. I don't see realization shining in her eyes, but I do see perplexity. "As much as I like answering riddles from you, Vy. But I really have no idea who this woman is."

Let's see, what else can I ask her to help her brain to come up with the conclusion I was hoping she'll have? What if I just tell her directly who the woman is? There won't be any consequences if I actually told her directly. There's nothing to gain nor lose. With a deep breath, I prepare myself to just spill the answer to her and brace for her reaction. "The woman that Ethan is 'seeing'-" I put my hands up in the air and did some air-quotes at the word seeing, "-is actually his twin sister, Lisbeth."

For a moment, Mel has this blank expression in her face. Seconds later, she lets her mouth gape open. "Ethan has a twin sister?" The surprise on her face is the same expression I wore when I found out about that information at first. Seeing Mel wearing the expression I made me fall into a puddle of laughter. The laugh ain't too loud for the people around us to begin eavesdropping into our conversation, but it's loud enough to make Mel puff out an air of frustration out of her system. "How long have you been restraining this information from me, Vy?"

Uh oh, she thought I've been hiding stuff from her, but in reality, I assume everyone at work already knows Ethan has a twin sister. But I guess Mel and I are the ones who didn't know at first. "Okay, look, I didn't restrain this information at you. I just wrongly assume that everyone here had already known Ethan's twin sister."

Mel glances around the crowd in the lobby area of the building and lowers her voice to a whisper. I don't have the guts to tell her that no one will dare to eavesdrop into our conversation, so no need to lower her voice. But the feeling that we're pretending to share something juicy and forbidden for others is too enticing. Although, in reality, we're just basically talking about the man upstairs who people had theorized to be an alien in disguise. Not because he's weird, but he doesn't look tired or bored at whatever he's doing at work. "How long have you known about Ethan's twin sister?"

"As long as I've started my playwright career at the theater near here." I point my fingers at the general direction of the theater, in hopes that Mel will also begin to visit it. The more recognition by people, the more visitor will come to the theater. Perhaps it'll get enough recognition to reach Gail, making her travel to this city to check out the theater.

She purses her lips for a second and averted her gaze away from me. This is a great example to have the ability to read people's mind, since I'm feeling a bit curious about what she's thinking about after learning the truth. "So... Basically, I was worrying about nothing."

"What do you mean by that?" I mean, I already what she meant by that statement, but I genuinely want to hear it from her.

"I don't know, the fact that she isn't a spy that's threatening to take over this company by using Ethan?" She looks calm and composed, but her tone sounds crazy. A part of her would be a great actress. Maybe if I convince her enough to do some try-outs at the theater and see if she becomes one of the actresses. A snicker went out my mouth, which made her quirks up an eyebrow at me. "What? It's a possibility..." Now she sounds like she's stifling a laugh of her own.

"Really, Mel? Do you really think a spy-or anyone for that matter-would want to take over a multimedia company?" Here I thought spies would want to aim higher, but for Mel, they seem to have a horrible goal.

"Now that you've mentioned it, spies would definitely aim a much greater goal than settling for this company. Like, they could take over a secret military facility if they'd like to." Finally, Mel fails to hold on her laughter, and it all pour out of her mouth. Several people are gazing at our direction at the sound of her laughter. "Oh God, I think I'm watching far too many action-packed movies."

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