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Can't believe the entire day at work wasn't as fun as when I was just hanging around the office. The worst part was, Ethan still refused to spill any details about his date with Mel. Whenever I'm stuck on writing something, I occasionally turn my head across my station and make eye contact with Ethan. Every time that happens, I keep asking him for the details and every time, he either glances back to his work or flat out tells me, "No." I didn't stop asking him for the details, and he didn't stop refusing to spill some. But by some miracle—or perhaps a lack of patience in Ethan's soul—he'd finally told me a detail when we're heading to the elevators to get home. I don't care if it's a singular detail, as long as it's worth all that time of me asking. Which turns out was worth it? Maybe? I don't know how to interpret what he'd spilled at me.

Basically, he'd told me that for the duration of him waiting for the date, he'd been having a hard time to think of a place to take Mel on. So, he'd done some digging to see where he'll take Mel to a date. When he said digging, he meant accidentally eavesdropping on a coworkers' conversation. The coworker had mentioned the new restaurant open near the seaside. The aforementioned coworker apparently had plans on assessing the restaurant and took the opportunity to create a review about it. The problem was, the coworker doesn't seem to have any spare time to just visit the place. This is where Ethan decided to kill two birds with one stone. That's why Ethan took Mel to that new restaurant, not only because he'd been intrigued about it, and it looks perfect for their first date, but it also gave him the opportunity to write a review towards it.

At first, I was skeptical that he's about to sabotage another co worker's place and create a conflict in the office. With a relief, that wasn't the case. He'd written the review and gave it to the coworker so that the coworker will be the one who'll do the editing and the publishing. Ethan might be an asshole, but he's not as asshole as stealing someone else's thunder. The coworker was actually thankful for Ethan and insisted on putting Ethan's name as a co-author to the review. Of course, Ethan agreed because he's Ethan Miles. One of the best journalists in the company.

That was the only detail he'd spilled at me, which was fine. The sad part was that detail doesn't have anything to do with what happened during the date. The thing is, I'm supposed to feel disappointed because the detail isn't the one I wanted. Instead, I felt intrigued and perhaps impressed by Ethan's action.

all of that, we said our goodbyes and led to me driving back home. Same as always, silence around the car while my thoughts sing around my mind. It wasn't as bad as before, though. Because before, I wasn't planning on moving on from the past. Now; however, it is different, and I'm determined to move on from the past. A smile crept its way to my face as I rounded around the corner into my street. A smile that doesn't have anything to do with the hope for a reply letter. Instead, it's a smile with the hope of finally moving on.

As that came in my mind, my eyes spotted Ms. Jess glancing around the street. She seems to be looking for someone and when her head faces at the direction where I'm driving from, a nagging feeling is telling me that I'm the one she's looking for. My eyes immediately went flying towards her hands to see a sign of a letter, she seemed to be empty-handed. Ridiculous. I was just thinking about finally moving on, but a spark of hope churning inside me doesn't seem to want to fade out anytime soon.

I quickly park my car beside the building and stroll my way to Ms. Jess. When I get closer to her, the smile on her face tells me she has something that she wants to tell me. Although I have no strong idea what that'll be, the hope for something good is slowly drowning me. "Evening, Ms. Jess!" I'm uncertain whether that sounded natural or forced.

Judging by Ms. Jess' expression to my greeting, she wouldn't mind either way. The smile on her face had only become more apparent. "Oh good, you're finally here, Vy!" Out of the blue, she pulls me in for a hug, and I have to uncomfortably hug her back. No person in the world would immediately be ready to hug someone back without any warning. When she finally pulls away from me, I can see the excitement shining in her eyes. "Someone was looking for you, but you're still at work, so I made them stay at my house for a while to wait for you."

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