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I wait patiently for Ethan to come back from the post office. Glancing at the post office, it doesn't look like it's a busy day for them. If only I could take a closer look and not rely on my vision from inside the goddamn car. Seriously, how dare Ethan locking me up here like I'm some sort of gnat he wants to get rid of. I'm starting to question our friendship. After another minute-sitting alone in the car with no background sound apart from the other cars passing by made it feel like a decade-someone finally emerges out of the doors of the post office. But that someone isn't Ethan, so that whole relief from waiting was for nothing. What's taking him so long?

I pulled out my phone and decided to ask the man himself. Quickly typing a message to him before hitting send.

Me: What's taking you so long?

At the same time as I send the message, a message from his end flashes on my screen. Perhaps we both had the same idea to message one another. God, we truly share the same brain cells.

Ethan: A little busy in the post office. There were too many people waiting in line.

After I read his message, he sent a photo attachment. In the picture, the camera is at an angle for me to generally see how long the line of people is. Apparently, Ethan seems to be behind like 6 or 8 people from the counter. After I assess the picture, another message from Ethan pops in.

Ethan: I hope you're doing great in my car. Sorry that I have left you there alone.

Me: Well, you can come back for me and unlock the door so that I can accompany you during that long line.

Ethan: And waste those precious times of me finally getting near the front of the line? Nope, might as well be patient. Also, I don't think your company would help my patience with this line.

Oh no, he's too aware of my desire to annoy him. This isn't good for the rest of the day. He'll try to outsmart me to avoid me annoying him in the office. That was initially my plan when I spent the day in the office, just to annoy my friend until he finishes work. But since he's all too aware of my plans of annoying him, I need to rethink what I could do. Well, I have some spare time to think of my plans since Ethan will be in that building for a while. I wish I could connect my Spotify to his car, but he'd turned the car off on his way out. It'll just be me and my thoughts-also the occasional disembodied voices inside my head.

Perhaps this will be a great time to be inspired to write a new play for the theater. Sadly, no inspiration decided to strike me. I decided to send another message to my lovely friend who'd left me here to rot.

Me: Leaving a child inside a car isn't a great plan. You'll be a terrible father someday.

Not a second even passed by, his reply came flashing on my screen.

Ethan: Firstly, you're not a child. You'll be fine. Secondly, I'm not planning on becoming a father anytime soon. And lastly, if I had known that it'll be a busy day in the post office, I would have brought you with me.

Me: Since when did you become too reasonable?

Ethan: Since the day we've become best friends...

See, I can help with some character development. I rather feel appreciative than feeling offended by his words. I'm such a great friend. Shaking my head, I stare at my phone screen to see if I can think of another topic for us to talk about. Nothing comes to mind... Except for one topic. The same topic he's been avoiding before our time in the diner.

Me: Have you ever thought about asking Mel out?

I see him typing on the other side of the screen, but no message seems to pop out. After waiting for some extra minutes, he still hadn't replied to my question. Sending another message and lightly pushing the topic in doesn't count as stepping the line, right?

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