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The moment I parked my car by the side of the theater, there was this gut-feeling that something weird was happening. It is unclear to me why I suddenly felt that, but once we stepped foot in the theater and into the backstage, it appeared that my gut-feeling was correct. Both Gail and I exchanged glances at one another before staring at the... I don't even know what to call this? Chaos? Abomination? Alternate reality? Because never in my life, I could witness Ethan-fucking-Miles singing in the middle of the goddamn room. The only rational explanation I could think that makes sense is that Ethan is drunk—but the foundation of that explanation is a bit unstable since it's early in the afternoon. Maybe Ethan did some early drinking. If that's the case, I wonder what made him decide to get drunk quite early in the day.

On the corner of my eyes, I spot someone sauntering towards us. It only caught my attention since Gail had been poking my shoulder multiple times and when I glanced at her, she then pointed a finger towards Lisbeth walking towards us. Judging by Lisbeth's humorous face, she may have some information why her twin brother is singing. I slanted my head to gesture towards the singing Ethan, and when Lisbeth noticed that gesture, she quickly strolls towards us with a knowing grin.

"I was expecting you, Vy. Since Ethan had told me your boss had given both of you some week-off to focus on this stage play." Lisbeth flashes me a quick smile before dismissing me and turns her head to Gail. "But I did not expect to see you again, Gail." She practically squealed as she said Gail's name. Plus the emphasis of her hands flying straight to hold Gail's. "How are you?"

Gail nervously gives me a quick glance before facing back to Lisbeth. She mirrors back the smile Lisbeth is flashing to her. An indication that she really likes the person in front of her. I know this since in the past, whenever I smile at her, she smiles back the same amount of emotions at me. "I'm doing great, Lisbeth." I watch as Gail lifts the basket of muffins to Lisbeth, "We bought you guys some muffins to eat while working on the stage play. The muffins came from Vydor's landlady," Gail gently pushed the basket of muffins to Lisbeth, still wearing that gorgeous smile.

Lisbeth took a quick peek inside the basket, she may also have whiffed some of the aroma of the newly heated muffins. "Oh wow, these smell wonderful! You never told me your landlady can bake some glorious muffins." She holds the basket of muffins by the holder and lets it dangle at her side for a moment. "If I had known about that before, I would have visited more often." It's bad enough that Ethan kept on showing up to the apartment complex, it'll be a tad bit worse that Lisbeth will also follow her twin brother's footstep.

She was about to walk away from us—probably to let everyone know about the muffins. Luckily, I acted quickly. Actually, my curiosity is the quick one here. "Woah, woah, wait a minute, Lisbeth." She had her back faced at us, but she did a slow half-turn to look at me. I saw her lips pursing as if she's waiting for me to say something, which I really took that as a sign to continue. "What's up with your twin brother? Why is he singing?"

Lisbeth's eyes went wide in excitement. She finally turns her whole body around to face us again. The knowing grin came back on her face. I was right, the grin she was wearing had something to do with her twin brother. "I don't know what's going on with my twin brother, but judging by the song he's singing... I think he's in love," She lowers her voice to a whisper, as if any minute now Ethan would show up out of the blue to see how we are doing. "If you told me that, I would have said that you're crazy, since Ethan doesn't do love. You and I both know that, Vy." Lisbeth gestures a finger between me and her, while I just nod at her in agreement. "But yeah, I think my twin brother is finally falling in love."

All three of us turned our heads to see Ethan still singing. A smile is seemingly very evident on his face as he sings the song that is playing on the speaker. Even from afar, he really seems happy. Maybe my best friend is falling in love—and if I'm correct, the person he might have fallen to is Mel.

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