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It took me a month to finally finish my new stage play titled "Tragically Yours". There are two reasons why it took me that long to finish it. The first reason was because of the constant editing of articles that I'd received. Of course, I finished them first before my desire to finish the stage play. But the second reason is a bit funny, which is that Gail kept on distracting me from writing back at our apartment. Our. That word feels perfect right now. But still, she really kept on distracting me. Finally, after a month, I finished the script as well as presented it to people in the theater.

What I didn't expect was Gail's stage play. She usually doesn't write stuff like that, but she apparently wrote an entire play. The funny thing about her work is literally the opposite of what I've written. I was suspecting that she was only distracting me so that she can get a quick glimpse at my work. If the title of my stage play is "Tragically Yours", she created her own title. The title of her stage play was "Comically Mine." I had to shake my head to get rid of the disappointed look I had when she presented me her work. Her writing wasn't the issue here—I loved everything in her stage play if I'm being honest. It's the fact that she'll go on her way to create a stage play that will be the opposite version of mine. It appears to me that history keeps repeating itself, will forever be true when it comes to her.

Of course, after presenting our separate play to the theater, we deserve a break from writing. Which leads me sitting in the passenger's seat with my seat belt on as I made sure Gail drives my car carefully. "You know, you can at least slow down. There's nothing wrong with taking it slow, Gail." I'm getting a bit worried about how reckless she's driving now. But I'm partially accepting my fault in this, since I'm the one who suggested to her that I'll teach her how to drive. A sigh came out of me right after the idea of taking her to a driving school popped in my mind. Well, too late for that idea now, we're already driving to our destination. The destination that when we get closer, the beating of my heart gets rapid from the nervousness I'm feeling.

"Why take it slow? It's fun driving on the road at night. It feels like I'm zooming through space and time," She yelled as she stepped on the gas pedal, accelerating even more than before. God, it's quite fortunate that there aren't any cars on the road. When it comes to this part of the city, it's rare to see cars on the roads around here. I should know because I've gone to this place multiple times when I want to find peace. "So, are we getting close to our destination or are you still going to keep it as a secret?" She quickly glanced at me with her eyebrows raised. I kept this a secret because I wanted to surprise her. I even go through the hassle of keeping my mouth shut about this. Since knowing Ethan, he probably won't keep his mouth shut to Gail. "Are you really not going to tell me what you're planning, Vy?"

I shake my head with a knowing grin plastered on my face. "Nope, keep driving. I'll tell you when to stop. For now, turn right here." I raised a hand to point to the direction where she should turn the car. Luckily, she did cleanly turn to the right. We're getting closer now, and my heart is really threatening to just push out of my chest from all the pumping it is doing. "We're getting close, be a little more patient."

"Fine, I'll be patient for another half a minute." She purses her lips together as she keeps on driving. A smile came to my mouth as I tried my best to relax my breathing. Once we arrive at the destination, there's no turning back now. I have to do this now or never.

"We're here... You can just park the car over that parking space in front of that convenient store." I point towards the convenient store, only to distract my nervousness.

"Please don't tell me we went all that way just to go to a convenient store?" The disappointment in her voice was so audible that I had to fight back the urge to laugh at her sorrowful hypothesis. Luckily, she seemed to have remembered my advice on parking a car, since she'd—almost—perfectly parked it.

"Nah, we'll walk from here to arrive at the destination." I got out of the car, rushing my way to open hers. Sadly, she's still faster than me. But as she got out of the car, I held out my hand.

"Okay then, lead the way." She took my hand, wishing that she wouldn't notice how clammy my hands were. With a relief, she didn't seem to bat an eye about it when she grabbed my hand while I guided her to where I wanted us to be. Once we're there, the first word that came out of her mouth was, "Woah!"

I turned my head to see her surprised face, but then glanced at the view in front of us with a new pair of eyes. We're standing on the beginning of the pier that is facing towards the iridescent ocean surface. Just above the horizon is the quarter moon, greeting us how marvelous this evening is. Each star reflects perfectly on the ocean surface, sparkling at every time a small wind caresses the ocean. And it'll get even more marvelous once I gather all my strength to ask her the question I'm dying to ask her.

"Did you bring me here just to murder me and get rid of the body?" She chuckles out the word, as she keeps on gazing at the horizon. Even though she's joking, I can hear the sound of wonder in her voice.

I slowly got down on my knee. "Nope, I'm actually planning the opposite of that." Those words might have caught her attention, since she's now turning around to face me. When she gazes down to meet my gaze, a shocked face fills her adorable face. I flashed her a small smile, holding the ring in my pocket that I've been wishing to give me courage through this. With a deep breath, I begin my speech to her. "Gail, you have no idea how happy I felt when the universe gave you back to me. I know I've broken my promise that I'll find you when your parents took you away from me. But please, let me make a new promise to you." I pull out the dazzling engagement ring for her. A small gasp came out her mouth before her hands could even prevent it. "Let me promise you that I'll do my best to spend my whole life with you. I promise to you that I'll let you rewrite all my tragedy into something beautiful. So, I ask you this, Gail... Will you marry me?"

"Oh my God, Vy." I can't tell if she's having trouble breathing or that's how she breathes when she's this surprised. To be fair, I hadn't witnessed her getting surprised like this. "Is this real? Am I dreaming? I must be dreaming, or maybe we had a car accident, and I'm just in a coma." A nervous smile forced its way on her face and I had to suppress a laugh from how her mind works. As much as I want to laugh, I would rather not ruin this sparkling evening.

"Gail, it's just a yes or no question." I flash her a patient smile—even though I'm getting a bit impatient right now. "This is real, you can even try to pinch yourself or count to ten with your eyes closed. By the time you open them, and I'm still on my knees with this ring, it's definitely real." I can't believe guiding her through this when my brain is slowly losing its patience.

When Gail literally pinched herself and then closed her eyes while counting to ten, a chuckle actually came out of my throat. I wasn't expecting her to take my advice seriously. Great, now I have to wait here, on my knees, for about ten seconds before she could open her eyes again. By the time she finally opened her eyes, another small gasp came out of her lips. Luckily, this time, she didn't prolong this even further. She immediately went down on me and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Yes, yes... Yes, I'll marry you!" She whispers, and I hadn't been expecting myself to hug her back just as tightly as how she hugs me right now.

When we both pulled away from each other, I took the liberty to insert the ring on her finger. Once the ring is wrapped around her finger, I glance up to see the sparkling blue eyes that are gleaming with happiness. Without thinking, I lifted her chin up slightly and leaned forward to give her a kiss that both of us deserved.

We've finally gotten over the story about our past. Now, we're longingly expecting whatever comes next.

The End


Thank you for reading Tragically Yours. The tragedy turned to a happy ending. The story of Vydor and Gail, the tragedy and the comedy duo. I honestly enjoyed writing this story. Even though I'm a busy college student, I still find a way to enjoy writing this story.

If y'all want to know more about Declan's tragedy, I've already written his story. The story is titled "Love, Poetry, & Coffee."

Once again, thank you for spending your precious time on reading Tragically Yours.

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