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Right after writing the letter, I just realized I don't have a spare envelope with me to put the letter in. I turn in head to face Ethan, "I assume you don't have any envelope in your bag."

At that moment, he'd closed his laptop and placed it back in his bag. "No, I do have any envelope in my bag." For some unknown reason, Ethan has an envelope in his bag. "It's a brown envelope, is that okay?"

I've only nodded, and he hands me the brown envelope. After placing the letter inside the envelope, I've written the address at the back of it. All of my muscles immediately halted once my mind realized I don't have anything to seal the envelope close. I was about to ask Ethan for something, but must have observed my dilemma and handed me a glue stick. I couldn't fight the urge to tease him, so as a thanks, I muttered, "Thanks, Boy Scout."

Gently wiping the tip of the glue stick under the seal flap, I carefully close the envelope and rub the top of the seal flap with my thumb to completely close it. I hand the glue stick back to Ethan, but he also seems to reach out for the envelope. When I pull the envelope away, a groan escapes his lips. "We both know you'll eventually give me the envelope for me to give it to the post office." With that sentence, I begrudgingly hand him the envelope.

All throughout those exchanges between Ethan and me, I can feel Lisbeth's judging state from across the table. I turned my head to face her, and I was right about her eyes staring at me. My shoulders shrug lightly as I ask, "What?"

She shakes her head, but I've noticed a smile on her face. "Nothing, it's just nice to know that you haven't given up on finding her."

Before I could mutter out a reply to her, the waitress from earlier came strolling to our table with a tray of our food. She sets the food down on the table with a bright smile, "One Fish and Chips for lady. One Krabby Patty with a side of large Kelp Fries for the blonde." When the waitress glances at me, her smile brightens. "And one Mac and Cheese for the cutie." All three of us were shocked, but mine immediately dissipated and turned into a wide grin. "Here's the three lemonades for the party." She sets the lemonades on the table, carefully to not spill any on the table. "If you guys need anything, just holler for me." On that note: she'd stroll away, leaving me with two eye-widen stares.

"Dude, what the fuck was that?" Ethan picks up a Kelp Fry and places it in his mouth.

Ethan's tone leans more on the annoyed side; on the other hand, Lisbeth's "Yeah, dude, what the fuck was that?" sounds more impressed than her twin brother.

I still have the wide grin plastered on my face as I glance between the two, "What? She just called me cutie, it's not a big deal." Lisbeth grins as she picks her fork, while Ethan is shaking his head at me in disgust. I turn my head to face him with a confused expression, "What's wrong with you?"

"I'm supposed to be the cutie in our duo," He grabs another fry and pops it into his waiting mouth.

I grab my fork and gently stab some unfortunate macaronis and put them into my hungry mouth. "Look, it's not because you're a blue-eyed blonde stud doesn't necessarily mean you're the cutie one here."

He frowns a little and grabs his Krabby Patty, "I'll take the stud as a compliment."

A laugh escapes my mouth while Lisbeth throws her twin brother a disgusted look. Speaking of Lisbeth... "So, what was the information you've found while on a search for Gail?"

She pops a fry into her mouth before facing me. "Oh yeah, that. Basically, to cut what I've found short is that this Gail person might be at the address of her childhood house." Both Ethan and I were in the middle of putting food in our mouth, but we immediately halted our actions at the information she had given us.

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