Chapter 9

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The next day, Daisy couldn't think strait. She stayed away from the prison as much as she could. And Queen Onyx prompted her to an early advisor. And Queen Monarch wasn't so happy about that. So was Princess Nightshade and kind of Prince Vulture but not that much BLAH BLAH BLAH. Anyway, she was in the throne room when General Jackal came trotting in.

"Queen Onyx." The General bowed. "Brother! I'm your sister! Just call my Onyx." Queen Onyx snorted. "Yes your highne- yes Onyx." He got back up from bowing and gazed a Daisy then looked back at Onyx. "The snowstalkers have found out about the cactus bombs. They have been seen by some of the citizen's that live here." 

"WHAT?" Onyx screeched. Prince vulture and Cryo winched by the noise. " HOW CAN THESE DAYS GET WORSE? " Onyx cried. " I- " Jackal tried to speak up but then stopped. " Ahem." Queen Monarch growled. "I suppose he was trying to say something?" Monarch looked at Onyx. "Oh, yes of course. " 

"I think we should launch a other Attack sense last one was ruined by someone." Jackal looked at Cryo. Cryo then frowned back at Jackal. "Amazing!" Onyx clapped her paws together. "Monarch, Nighshade, Cryo and Jackal. Come along! Dasiy you stay with Vulture. And Orchid is at the merchants spot. " The ones who where called stood up and fallowed the two Queen. Vulture snorted. It was silent for a few minutes but only with the talking from outside.

"Soooooo..." Daisy tried to make small talk. "How's it like being a royal?" Vulture then layed on his back as sun flew through the window near him. "It's boring prettyyyyyyyy much." Vulture yawned. "Okly girls can be queen  but some sum rare things, boys can be queen! It's nwt fair!" Vulture pouted. Daisy had to hold in a laugh as Vulture didn't know how to speak that good. But then it went to a sad face knowing that Snake and Duke are in prison and going to die soon. 

Jackal came walking up to Daisy unexpectedly. And whispered to her. "I know you guys didn't mean to get caught. I learned about the dream as Snake Rattler and your other friend was talking. Snadstalkers learn about those kind of dreams at a young age. I don't want a another war happening. Here are the keys to there cells." Vulture put the keys into her hand and Daisy smiled at him. "Don't worry! I uon't tell." Vulture sat next to them and Jackal sighed in a sound of relief. "I don't want swak here anymore longer, so yea."

" Now go to the prisons Daisy, get them out and leave the keys there. And then run. Run as fast as you can out of the kingdom. Please. Please stop the other war." Jackal smiled at Daisy. " Thank you!" Daisy then ran out of the throne room stopping and looking back. Waved. Then ran to the prisons.


The princess of the shadowstalkers was at the snowstalker kingdom. She was aloud to go there as long as she stayed with one of the snowstalker royals. And that was Prince Gwyn. He was pretty much a bully to Princess Bluemoon. He always laughed at her when she slipped on ice or snow. Also, she couldn't swim. Witch was AWFUL because snowstalker know how to swim. It's not all ice, snow  and sleet. It's also water. Anyway, Gwyn was sometimes nice. He knew how to comfort witch was a HUGE thing for Bluemoon to know. 

Today, Bluemoon was at the shore of Mistletoe beach. It was weirdly warm at this part of the snowstalker kingdom. It was also pleasant. Well, pleasant before Gwyn started splashing around. "Hey!" Bluemoon hissed at Gwyn. He laughed, " I'm just trying to get a fish! Wanna join me?" He then started splashing around again. Bluemoon then put her paw into the water. It's only the shallow end, calm down, blue! She growled at herself as she started splashing around in the water. "Wanna know how to swim for once?" Gwyn asked. "It won't be that bad, I also decided to not me mean anymore so thanks to me!"Gwyn smiled at Bluemoon.

"Fine. How do we start?" She stopped splashing around and sat down. " well first you gotta come to the shallow end and deep end. Well, where I am." Bluemoon walked over to him. "Now go limp." Bluemoon went limp and packed as she couldn't feel the sand under her paws. "Now just put your paws in front of you and pull the water to you! Don't go to fast or slow! Pump your back legs!" Bluemoon started doing that. And that's it. She started swimming around. And now she could swim. She could swim! 

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