Chapter 18

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(Going to make this kinda long)

Snake Rattler walked in to his fathers place. Not so special as it looked like any other place around here. He scanned around seeing a closed door. There it is. He thought. Snake walked in seeing Nutmeg standing over Coyote's chair with his arms behind his back. witch Coyote Was in. "Where's Cactus?" Coyote asked. "You wanted me to bring em?" Snake asked looking back. "Well, you can tell him after you get ouuta this place." Coyote and Nutmeg frowned. "You might know that there's going to be a big council soon. It's been shortened to tomorrow because of those evergreens. You and your friends are aloud to come as long as you guys don't make a ruckus." Coyote said. "I bet I won't." Snake smirked. Coyote growled. And it seemed like Coyote had enough of him that he just walked out. 

(Insert will Turners voice from pirate's of the Caribbean) "Why did you come back, Snake Rattler? You don't belong here after what you've done." Nutmeg spat. "When did you become so mean, like, I only turned someone REALLLY bad." Snake said. "Oh, and am I being a BITCH for actually obeying the desert code? You did a murder that no one forgot." Nutmeg scowled. "I don't remember any of that. It's all fuzzy to nothin." Snake yawned, bored. "We are TRAINED to remember stuff from long ago, how can you not remember?" Nutmeg growled. He grabbed a hat like Snake's old one on his jet black hair. "I'm going. Tell Cactus and your friends. Wear some type of jewelry, I don't care anymore." Nutmeg walked out. Snake went to Cactus who was reading a book. Bookworm. Snake thought. Cactus waved Snake over.

"So, how did it go?" Cactus asked. "The council thing got shortened for tomorrow." Snake answered. "Also, I just assumed that you left your hat somewhere. Where is it?" Cactus asked a question once again. "Lost it. Also, that's your last question." Snake smiled at Cactus. "Alright, but no promises." Cactus giggled. "Sunny's Tavern is still here, wondering if you can come with me." Cactus smiled. "Alright, now that's a question you can ask, sure!" Snake grabbed Cactuses book and threw it to the left of him. "Hey! I almost finished that!" Cactus said. Snake ran over. Grabbed the book. And started running towards the Tavern with it. He smirked. 

Snake Rattler scanned around and found it. He slowed down dodging Cactus and quickly sat on chair right front of the bar. Cactus walked in acting all casual. "Your slow." Snake smirked again. Cactus took his book and chuckled. "I'm fast, it's just that your faster." He said. The bartender came up to the two. The bartender glared at Snake Rattler witch Snake found offensive. "Two shots of rum, Kudu ." Cactus asked nicely. "Alright, might take some time. Some how a LOT of people decided 'oh yea, hell everywhere, let's get drunk.'" Kudu said sarcastically then walked off. "Don't get so drunk until tomorrow. Knowing you." Cactus said. "Hey, I can stop myself."

They started talking and talking. Got there shots. Snake asked about June Bug. Cactus said he was in good hands. Then stopped talking about em and started talking about other stuff. But then Cactus started doing all the talking. Snake looked at the other shot he got and swerved it around. Among all the talking, screaming, and even fighting, he could only hear Cactus chatting, and giggling. Snake Rattler chuckled happily. I don't think he ever felt this much emotion before. Like, he didn't know that he was that nice. And he didn't know that he could be a 'therapist'.

"HEY!" Someone screeched. Witch broke Snake's attention to Cactus. He looked around then seeing a massive bar fight going on. "Out of all the spirits." Cactus grumbled. Then Cactus got up. "What are you doing?" Snake Rattler asked. "Going to stop it, of course." Cactus answered. He started walking towards the fight. Snake realized that Cactus had a belt with weapons and a rag on it. Hm. Stop it with the weapons? Snake thought. He then quickly drank his second shot then speed walked over to Cactus. "Hey." Cactus said boldly to the fight. Everyone who was fighting looked at Cactus and Snake. "This ain't NONE of you two's business." One guy said.

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